This game is 100% possible with Corona right? I’m guessing it’s probably written in lua!
// red. [import]uid: 7143 topic_id: 2669 reply_id: 302669[/import]
I’ve played the cut the rope free version and I didn’t see anything that couldn’t be done in Corona
Corona has the graphics capabilities, the physics, and multi-touch… so yes, I’d have to say Cut the Chee… I mean Rope is 100% possible [import]uid: 7849 topic_id: 2669 reply_id: 7967[/import]
I downloaded it last night. Jon is correct. it can be done in Corona 100%
carlos [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 2669 reply_id: 7973[/import]
yes, i agree. it can be done 100% in Corona.
you can see at sample code “Bridge”
from line 39 to line 43 :
if "began" == phase then
local myIndex = t.myIndex
print( "breaking joint at board#" .. myIndex )
joint[myIndex]:removeSelf() -- destroy joint
if you change the began to moved. you can swipe it and the chains will cut
if "moved" == phase then
local myIndex = t.myIndex
print( "breaking joint at board#" .. myIndex )
joint[myIndex]:removeSelf() -- destroy joint
Corona GE SDK is the best invesments
[import]uid: 7427 topic_id: 2669 reply_id: 10555[/import]
I dont think that it can be done 100% in Corona.
- The shapes of joints in Cut the rope dynamically changes, so it more smooth. (no corners)
- Texture was drawn and anti-aliased with openGL
Can we do same things in corona??? Connect same joints with 2 types of joints at the same time? (For example: Pivot and Distance joints) [import]uid: 110918 topic_id: 2669 reply_id: 82159[/import]
Ironman, thank you for the tip. I finally cut the rope
[import]uid: 40990 topic_id: 2669 reply_id: 84343[/import]
[import]uid: 24 topic_id: 2669 reply_id: 84345[/import]