Dark Fighter, in Progress



Now, I’m working this game.

it needs many buttons and hard 

In some ways, it may not be appropriate for mobile games. But some people might like it.

The previous game has not received any response from the local market,

so I will start from the planning again and release it.

I like it. Looks good.

I think storm of tanks is very cool. You probably need to promote it more. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that game.

Your words are helpful. thank you

I will be conducting a beta test for about a week from December 24th. is there Anyone to attend?

I like it. Looks good.

I think storm of tanks is very cool. You probably need to promote it more. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that game.

Your words are helpful. thank you

I will be conducting a beta test for about a week from December 24th. is there Anyone to attend?