Debugger not (fully) working


I’ve got a problem with the debugger.

It seems to be able to connect, and it also pauses execution, but shows the current line in green only if the breakpoint is in main.lua, not in mymodule.lua (that I require in main.lua).

2013-09-11 14:10:33.741 Corona Simulator[59232:707] 

Copyright © 2009-2013  C o r o n a   L a b s   I n c .

2013-09-11 14:10:33.742 Corona Simulator[59232:707]     Version: 2.0.0

2013-09-11 14:10:33.742 Corona Simulator[59232:707]     Build: 2013.1202

2013-09-11 14:10:33.743 Corona Simulator[59232:707] The file sandbox for this project is located at the following folder:

    (/Users/myuser/Library/Application Support/Corona Simulator/src-A4B2DC5D117ACB20CF8A7F6058EDD971)

2013-09-11 14:10:34.134 Corona Simulator[59232:707] binding to port     36916

2013-09-11 14:10:34.134 Corona Simulator[59232:707] listening on port     36916

2013-09-11 14:10:34.155 Corona Simulator[59232:707] connected

2013-09-11 14:10:34.257 Corona Simulator[59232:707] program started

This happens with both Corona 1202 and 1137.

Product Version: LuaGliderv19 201302132200

Java: 1.7.0_25; Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 23.25-b01

Runtime: Java™ SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_25-b15

System: Mac OS X version 10.8.4 running on x86_64; UTF-8; en_US

Any idea?



Me too

Hello Thomas and Mirales.Sergio,

Recently we replaced the java version on Glider to java 7u40. It is possible that redownloading the application and reinstalling it will fix the problem. If not then please try to replicate the issue with the “simple physics” example from file-> new project. In our testing breakpoints are hit in files other than main.lua


M.Y. Developers

In order to run corona I must have installed java 6. 

I need both versions of java?

How to install both versions for runing corona and glider?

Some times I can debug some times not. Is like some times create various sessions or do not close well the session and do not caught the last.


Product Version:  LuaGliderv19 201302132200

Java:  1.7.0_40; Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 24.0-b56

Runtime:  Java™ SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_40-b43

System:  Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; UTF-8; es_ES

User directory:  C:\Users\Gato\AppData\Roaming.luagliderv19\dev

Cache directory:

Hello Miralles,

Please get the update via help-> check for updates and let us know if that fixes the problem. Also, it seems like you are using a beta build of the Java 7 u 40. Have you re-downloaded the installer recently, it has the release version of java 7 u 40.


M.Y. Developers

Now runs and debug perfect!

Great job

help-> check for updates



Me too

Hello Thomas and Mirales.Sergio,

Recently we replaced the java version on Glider to java 7u40. It is possible that redownloading the application and reinstalling it will fix the problem. If not then please try to replicate the issue with the “simple physics” example from file-> new project. In our testing breakpoints are hit in files other than main.lua


M.Y. Developers

Hello everyone,

Thank you for your support! Please let us know if you come across any more issues.


M.Y. Developers

In order to run corona I must have installed java 6. 

I need both versions of java?

How to install both versions for runing corona and glider?

Some times I can debug some times not. Is like some times create various sessions or do not close well the session and do not caught the last.


Product Version:  LuaGliderv19 201302132200

Java:  1.7.0_40; Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM 24.0-b56

Runtime:  Java™ SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_40-b43

System:  Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; UTF-8; es_ES

User directory:  C:\Users\Gato\AppData\Roaming.luagliderv19\dev

Cache directory:

Hello Miralles,

Please get the update via help-> check for updates and let us know if that fixes the problem. Also, it seems like you are using a beta build of the Java 7 u 40. Have you re-downloaded the installer recently, it has the release version of java 7 u 40.


M.Y. Developers

Now runs and debug perfect!

Great job

help-> check for updates



Hello everyone,

Thank you for your support! Please let us know if you come across any more issues.


M.Y. Developers

Hi there!


I faces a similar problem. Except that it runs perfectly in “run/debug mode” but in “build mode(the hammer one)”. It’ll get stuck at here:


2014-09-17 10:36:38.042 Corona Simulator[7627:d07] binding to port 45191

2014-09-17 10:36:38.042 Corona Simulator[7627:d07] listening on port 45191


I’ve installed the latest JRE 8u20 and also checked for updates within Glider. Any advise from the developers of Glider? Thanks!





Sorry for the inconvenience. Have you tried redownloading the installer? Also, which version of Glider are you running?


M.Y. Developers

Hi there!


I faces a similar problem. Except that it runs perfectly in “run/debug mode” but in “build mode(the hammer one)”. It’ll get stuck at here:


2014-09-17 10:36:38.042 Corona Simulator[7627:d07] binding to port 45191

2014-09-17 10:36:38.042 Corona Simulator[7627:d07] listening on port 45191


I’ve installed the latest JRE 8u20 and also checked for updates within Glider. Any advise from the developers of Glider? Thanks!


