Debugging coronacards lua code

Is there a way to debug corona code running with coronacards on device or in an xcode or eclipse emulator?

Not print debugging, with a normal stepping debugger. 

Unfortunately, no.  Debugging via print statements is your only option.

That said, if your Lua script does not contain any Lua/Native bridging code, then you can use our Sublime editor plugin which does allow you to debug and step through your Lua script code.

Joshua, thanks for the clarification. Can I use daily builds with corona simulator? I used to have an enterprise subscription, but now it is expired and I bought coronacards instead.

You’ll need a Pro or Enterprise subscription to have access to Corona Simulator daily builds.

So, you’ll have to use the last release version of the Corona Simulator instead.

Unfortunately, no.  Debugging via print statements is your only option.

That said, if your Lua script does not contain any Lua/Native bridging code, then you can use our Sublime editor plugin which does allow you to debug and step through your Lua script code.

Joshua, thanks for the clarification. Can I use daily builds with corona simulator? I used to have an enterprise subscription, but now it is expired and I bought coronacards instead.

You’ll need a Pro or Enterprise subscription to have access to Corona Simulator daily builds.

So, you’ll have to use the last release version of the Corona Simulator instead.