Hello dear fellow developers,
I am looking for a deep-linking solution for my app. I basically need an URI with this functionality :
If the user has the app installed (either opened -foreground or background- or closed) : open the app and pass parameters.
If the user doesn’t have the app installed, take the user to the appstore, and on first opening of the app, pass parameters.
I currently use URL SCHEME/INTENT FILTER and it works great for part 1, but not so much for part 2 (It takes the user to the appstore, but does not allow to pass parameters).
From my research, i found that the best solution would probably be a 3rd party tool like branch.io. However, I did contact them and developing a plugin for Solar2D is not on their roadmap.
It seems like Firebase Dynamic Links can do the same thing, but i could not find a plugin for Solar 2D either.
Any idea how i could achieve the desired behavior ?
Any dev that would have the skills to develop the proper plugin to link to branch.io ?
Any help or direction pointing is welcome !