Hello, I created an app and inserted a tableView that works perfectly, however, when I click the cell, I call a new scene that sometimes this transition works, sometimes not! is a bug or wrong code?
Version used: 2018.3276
Part of code…
local function onRowRender( event ) local row = event.row local id = row.index local imgTable = display.newImageRect( row,"images/EstrelaLogo.png", 40, 42 ) imgTable.anchorX = 0 imgTable.anchorY = 1 imgTable.x = 8 imgTable.y = row.height \* .5 local text = display.newText( row, news[id], 12, 0, nil, 17 )--rowData[id] text.anchorX = 0 text.anchorY = 1 text.x = imgTable.x + imgTable.width + 8 text.y = row.height \* .65 text:setFillColor( 1, 1, 1 ) local textDate = display.newText( row, dEdit[id] .. "/2018", 12, 0, nil, 13.5 )--rowDate[id] textDate.anchorX = 0 textDate.anchorY = 1 textDate.x = imgTable.x + imgTable.width + 8 textDate.y = row.height \* .35 textDate:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 ) end local function onRowTouch( event ) local phase = event.phase local row = event.target if event.phase == "release" then --for i = 1, tableView:getNumRows() do --if i == row.index then --else composer.gotoScene("noticias",{effect = "fromRight", time = 300}) --end --end print(row.index) end end tableView = widget.newTableView( { left = 0, top = bar.y + bar.height, height = heighTBX - bar.y + bar.height, width = display.contentWidth, onRowRender = onRowRender, hideBackground = true, onRowTouch = onRowTouch } ) sceneGroup:insert(tableView) for i = 1, 12 do tableView:insertRow{ rowHeight = 43, isCategory = false, rowColor = {default={1,1,1,0}}, lineColor = { 1, 1, 1 } } function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then elseif ( phase == "did" ) then composer.removeHidden() end end
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