I can publish to the Mac App Store, but not to the Windows App Store.
Is that correct? Is that likely to change?
I can publish to the Mac App Store, but not to the Windows App Store.
Is that correct? Is that likely to change?
At this time, we have no immediate plans to support the Windows App Store. Corona is now open source, so someone with experience making UWP builds (which I think is what’s needed to support the Windows app store), could figure out that and contribute it back to the community.
@rob since the new Edge will not be UWP, I wonder if they’ll accept other types of app in the store soon.
At this time, we have no immediate plans to support the Windows App Store. Corona is now open source, so someone with experience making UWP builds (which I think is what’s needed to support the Windows app store), could figure out that and contribute it back to the community.
@rob since the new Edge will not be UWP, I wonder if they’ll accept other types of app in the store soon.