detail in marker in native.newmapview and draw route

Hi All,

I’m new Corona SDK developer and, for the moment, I’m using a free versione.

I try Corona SDK because I must develop some application for iOS and Android writing only one time the code.

I have some problems with integrate 2 functionality (I think basic functionality) in my mapview:

  1. I add marker in my map (with addMArker()): in these, I would like to have a button or anything else that I can click and then goto in another detail page. In this page there will be  all details of the marker that I click
  2. I would like to draw a route in map with a list of coordinates.

How can i do them? please, someone can help me to suggest link, way or else?

thank’s of all,

Hi, I can not help as I am new in corona SDK, but I think you can help me. I want to use native.newMapView (), but do not see the map created. The code I used was:

myMap = native.newMapView ( 20, 20, 300, 220 )

    myMap.mapType = “normal” – other mapType options are “satellite” or “hybrid”

    myMap.x = display.contentWidth / 2

    myMap.y = 120

    myMap:setCenter( 37.331692, -122.030456 )

What is missing? I guess I have somewhere to put the google maps API KEY, but where? How I have to configure CORONA SDK to run the maps? I hope you can help me please as soon as possible because I have a project to be carried out and I need this information. Thank you.

@jose_punta, native.newMapViews can only be seen on device or in the iOS Xcode simulator.  The Corona simulator cannot display them.  Build for device, install it and then see your map.

@domenico.daralo I don’t know of a way to get easily map a set of coordinates (assuming latitude and longitude) to x, y screen coordinates with our current map installation.  You could put multiple pins, but I’m not sure how to get the location of those pins either.   But the button problem is just a matter of you adding your own button (either with widget.newButton or a graphic touch object, or a group of objects, say a rectangle and some text and add a touch handler to the group which would take you to your detail page.

I know, I tried to emulate in my mobile device but appeared as if loading the map and did nothing more. So my question is what else should I set in the code to work. I guess I miss adding the API KEY, but where?

Hi, I can not help as I am new in corona SDK, but I think you can help me. I want to use native.newMapView (), but do not see the map created. The code I used was:

myMap = native.newMapView ( 20, 20, 300, 220 )

    myMap.mapType = “normal” – other mapType options are “satellite” or “hybrid”

    myMap.x = display.contentWidth / 2

    myMap.y = 120

    myMap:setCenter( 37.331692, -122.030456 )

What is missing? I guess I have somewhere to put the google maps API KEY, but where? How I have to configure CORONA SDK to run the maps? I hope you can help me please as soon as possible because I have a project to be carried out and I need this information. Thank you.

@jose_punta, native.newMapViews can only be seen on device or in the iOS Xcode simulator.  The Corona simulator cannot display them.  Build for device, install it and then see your map.

@domenico.daralo I don’t know of a way to get easily map a set of coordinates (assuming latitude and longitude) to x, y screen coordinates with our current map installation.  You could put multiple pins, but I’m not sure how to get the location of those pins either.   But the button problem is just a matter of you adding your own button (either with widget.newButton or a graphic touch object, or a group of objects, say a rectangle and some text and add a touch handler to the group which would take you to your detail page.

I know, I tried to emulate in my mobile device but appeared as if loading the map and did nothing more. So my question is what else should I set in the code to work. I guess I miss adding the API KEY, but where?