Hey everybody,
My name is Robb Cornwall. I’m currently looking to collaborate with 1-2 individuals to make a physics puzzle game.
I spent the last few months developing an application called “Traxz” and the gameplay for it can be seen the video below.
Unfortunately my computer crashed and I lost the game. I still think the concept would be something new and exciting. Make no mistake I’m by not trying to remake the game, I’m trying to take the concept and push the limits on it, make interesting levels, stylized graphics, and addicting gameplay. This is going to be new game. I’m not tied to any level/graphic/concept. Anyone I work with will have full creative control over their own realm. It will be as your game as it would mine.
All profits and credit will be split equally with everyone involved.
If you have experience working with Corona as a programmer or artist, please contact me at
rcornwal@ucsd.edu (I’m currently a computer science major/ art minor at UCSD). I do ask that you have the available time to work on the project, I’m estimating it will take 3-4 months to develop.
I think this would be a lot of fun to bring to life and I can’t wait to get started.