Device camera access

Is there a way to tell if our app has camera access for the device it’s running on?

For example, in Settings in my iPad’s, I can scroll to my app and enable and disable the camera. Within my app, I would like to be able to show a button if the camera is enabled and hide it if it is not enabled. Therefore, I need a way to see if the app has camera access enabled.

Thank you!

@Jhow, looks like it. Take a look at this api:

For media.hasSource( media.Camera ), the first boolean will only be false if the device does not have a camera, or the user has explicitly denied camera access to the app.

@Jhow, looks like it. Take a look at this api:

For media.hasSource( media.Camera ), the first boolean will only be false if the device does not have a camera, or the user has explicitly denied camera access to the app.