Did Corona Editor delete my existing Lua snippets?

Just went to create a new module only to discover that my Lua snippets have vanished into thin air! >:|
Corona Editor SDK seems the likely suspect, but I was wondering if anyone else had noticed a similar issue? Maybe I’m just an idiot and I deleted them in my sleep or something.
BTW - they were backed up. Nothing too exciting but I use them fairly regularly:



local M={}





return M


    <!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->

    <tabTrigger>local M</tabTrigger>

    <!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->





function ${1}:touch(event)

    if event.phase==“began” then



    if event.id~=self.touchId then



    if event.phase==“ended” then






    <!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->


    <!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->



Corona Editor shouldn’t remove anything.  It puts its snippets in Packages/User/Corona Editor/Snippets… where are your snippets saved?

Packages/User/Lua  - it might be that removing another package deleted them. Corona Editor seems like the most likely culprit, but I’ve also removed SublimeLinter, perhaps that did it?

Okay, I’ve upgraded my work computer too, and the problem hasn’t happened. I guess I was just being an idiot :"|

Corona Editor shouldn’t remove anything.  It puts its snippets in Packages/User/Corona Editor/Snippets… where are your snippets saved?

Packages/User/Lua  - it might be that removing another package deleted them. Corona Editor seems like the most likely culprit, but I’ve also removed SublimeLinter, perhaps that did it?

Okay, I’ve upgraded my work computer too, and the problem hasn’t happened. I guess I was just being an idiot :"|