Did something change regarding IAPs?

I notice less sales with IAPs with constant downloads. Did something change with the last iOS updates maybe regarding the ability to use IAPs inside a game?

I am using the recommended IAPs like they were implemented 2 years ago btw.

Any help and info welcome.

Anyone else is noticing a drop in sales on iOS in the last days?

There was a discussion regarding an API call but I’m not sure if I found the right one. Is this one related? Apple IAP breaks if user cancels transaction

Thank you for your help and feedback. I’m not sure if this is causing the “problem”.
Here is my current purchase code I am using… maybe someone is seeing a problem here:

transactionListener = function( event )
	    local productID= event.transaction.productIdentifier;

        if event.transaction.state == "purchased" or event.transaction.state == "restored" then

	            -- we have to look up which product we get here to purchase:
	            if productID=="XXX" then

                    -- DO STUFF HERE
                    -- LIKE REMOVE ADS OR UNLOCK CONTENT


        elseif event.transaction.state == "cancelled" then

        elseif event.transaction.state == "failed" then        



        local doitnow=performWithDelay(2200,function() store.finishTransaction( event.transaction ) end,1)


Is this still working (code above) with iOS 13 builds?