Difference between the various object templates

Hello everyone,
I would have a question to ask (I’ve all studied crown website tutorials)
This is my first app and I wanted to create a level game.
In the “New Project” crown screen asking you to select which template I’m going to use, my question is: in your opinion, what better way to use for the type of app I want to develop?

Could you explain briefly the difference between the 5 templates?

To make it compatible for both tablet and phone how many pixels I need to put in Width and Height.

I apologize for the grammar horrible (I am Italian, and I wrote everything with google translate)

I look forward to your answer

Blank: A new app with a blank main.lua file, nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, this is the best for building an app without any scenes.

Tabbed App: This app is good for building something like a News app with multiple tabs such as Recent, Your News, etc.

Game: Setup for a game scenario. By default, it comes with a Start game scene and a basic level scene. An understanding of composer is required to make your own customizations.

eBook: Never tried it. Unless you are making an eBook, you would not look at this.

Composer Scene: A scene made with composer.

As for choosing your pixels, I recommend leaving the default settings, and then changing it when you get into the config.lua, so you can see how it changes the positioning of your display objects. 

I recommend looking through the Getting Started guide: https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/programming/index.html

And the Developer Guides: https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/index.html

Right now, I would say the most important thing to learn is with displaying objects. Once you know this, move on to animations, eventListeners, and definitely Composer API.

Blank: A new app with a blank main.lua file, nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes, this is the best for building an app without any scenes.

Tabbed App: This app is good for building something like a News app with multiple tabs such as Recent, Your News, etc.

Game: Setup for a game scenario. By default, it comes with a Start game scene and a basic level scene. An understanding of composer is required to make your own customizations.

eBook: Never tried it. Unless you are making an eBook, you would not look at this.

Composer Scene: A scene made with composer.

As for choosing your pixels, I recommend leaving the default settings, and then changing it when you get into the config.lua, so you can see how it changes the positioning of your display objects. 

I recommend looking through the Getting Started guide: https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/programming/index.html

And the Developer Guides: https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/index.html

Right now, I would say the most important thing to learn is with displaying objects. Once you know this, move on to animations, eventListeners, and definitely Composer API.