I put this in networking because my build uses networking, but I am not sure that is the problem. I will have my code at the end (and yes I know it’s messy but all I care is that it works lol).
Basically, the clients put in the IP of the server and the server sets a tempo for a metronome and plays. It works fine when I first build it (open in Corona simulator, press build at the top, choose Windows, then choose “Run the App” when it pops up), but when I choose “View in Explorer” and run it, or just run it regularly, it does not work. I’ve tried running as Administrator and it still doesn’t work. Because I’m running it from the executable, no console shows up. Thanks.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- main.lua -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --PreReqs local socket = require("socket") local getIP = function() local s = socket.udp() --creates a UDP object s:setpeername( "", 80 ) --Google website local ip, sock = s:getsockname() local ipSockTable = {ip, sock} return ipSockTable end --Vars local font = native.newFont("Helvetica-Bold", 100) local ipTextVar = "" local baseTime = 0 local actualTimeElapsed = 0 local curTime = 99999999 local standardSystemTime local isOn = false local isCon = false local alreadyPlayed = false local audioFile = audio.loadSound("TickSound.mp3") local udpVar = socket.udp() udpVar:settimeout(1/30) --Create local connectButton = display.newRect(160, 320, 250, 70) local connectText = display.newText("Connect", 160, 320, 250, 70, font, 30, "center") local clientBox = native.newTextField(160, 200, 250, 70) local ipDisplay = display.newText("Your IP: "..tostring(getIP()[1])..":"..tostring(getIP()[2]), 160, 470, 250, 70, font, 20, "center") --Setup connectButton.fill = {0, 1, 0} connectText:setFillColor(0, 0, 0) --Functions local function editIpText(event) if event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "submitted" or event.phase == "editing" then ipTextVar = event.target.text print(ipTextVar) end end local function connectTap() udpVar:setpeername(ipTextVar, 46362) print(udpVar) udpVar:send("drumline") isCon = true end local function compareTimes() --print("frame") if isOn == true then print((system.getTimer() / 1000) - standardSystemTime + 1.5) if (system.getTimer() / 1000) - standardSystemTime + 1.5 \>= curTime then if alreadyPlayed == false then audio.play(audioFile) alreadyPlayed = true --connectText.text = "Play" end end end if isCon == true then data = udpVar:receive() --print(data) if data == nil then --isOn = false else print(data) local testStart, testEnd = string.find(data, "b") local stopStart, stopEnd = string.find(data, "s") if testStart ~= nil then isOn = true baseTime = string.gsub(data, "b", "") local curTime = os.time() repeat until os.time() == curTime + 1 actualTimeElapsed = os.time() - baseTime standardSystemTime = system.getTimer() / 1000 elseif stopStart ~= nil then isOn = false else alreadyPlayed = false curTime = tonumber(data) end end end end --Events clientBox:addEventListener("userInput", editIpText) connectButton:addEventListener("tap", connectTap) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", compareTimes)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- main.lua -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --PreReqs local socket = require("socket") local getIP = function() local s = socket.udp() s:setpeername( "", 80 ) local ip, sock = s:getsockname() local ipSockTable = {ip, sock} return ipSockTable end --Vars local font = native.newFont("Helvetica-Bold", 100) local tempTextVar = "" local baseTime = 0 local nextElapsedTime = 0 local isOn = false local howMany = 0 local ipTable = {} local portTable = {} local udpVar = socket.udp() udpVar:settimeout(1/30) udpVar:setsockname("\*", 46362) --Create local startButton = display.newRect(85, 40, 100, 70) local startText = display.newText("Start", 85, 40, 100, 70, font, 30, "center") local stopButton = display.newRect(235, 40, 100, 70) local stopText = display.newText("Stop", 235, 40, 100, 70, font, 30, "center") local tempoLabel = display.newText("Tempo", 160, 150, 250, 70, font, 30, "center") local tempoBox = native.newTextField(160, 190, 250, 70) local ipDisplay = display.newText("Your IP: "..tostring(getIP()[1])..":"..tostring(getIP()[2]), 160, 470, 250, 70, font, 20, "center") --Setup startButton.fill = {0, 1, 0} stopButton.fill = {1, 0, 0} startText:setFillColor(0, 0, 0) stopText:setFillColor(0, 0, 0) --Functions local function sendAll(data) --print(#ipTable) if #ipTable \> 0 then for i = 1, #ipTable do udpVar:sendto(data, ipTable[i], portTable[i]) --print(ipTable[i]..portTable[i]) --print(data) end end end local function addTo() howMany = howMany + 1 nextElapsedTime = howMany \* (1/(tostring(tempTextVar) / 60)) print(tempTextVar.." "..nextElapsedTime.." "..howMany) if isOn == true then sendAll(nextElapsedTime) timer.performWithDelay((1/(tostring(tempTextVar) / 60)) \* 1000, addTo) end end local function stopTap() isOn = false sendAll("s") end local function editTempText(event) if event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "submitted" or event.phase == "editing" or event.phase == "began" then stopTap() tempTextVar = event.target.text print(tempTextVar) end end local function startTap() isOn = true local curTime = os.time() repeat until os.time() == curTime + 1 baseTime = os.time() sendAll("b"..baseTime) nextElapsedTime = 1/(tostring(tempTextVar) / 60) howMany = 1 timer.performWithDelay((1/(tostring(tempTextVar) / 60)) \* 1000, addTo) end local function addClients() local data, ip, port = udpVar:receivefrom() --print(data) if data == "drumline" then table.insert(ipTable, ip) table.insert(portTable, port) end end --Events tempoBox:addEventListener("userInput", editTempText) startButton:addEventListener("tap", startTap) stopButton:addEventListener("tap", stopTap) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", addClients)