Hey everyone! I have a question about the scene changing in the director class. When I try to change scenes in my menu, it will load the scene on top of my menu. I can’t seem to figure it out (new developer). Any help would be appreciated! [import]uid: 145097 topic_id: 33174 reply_id: 333174[/import]
Moved from Lua Language to Director Class sub-forum.
To me it sounds as though you are not adding your display objects from menu to localGroup - showing a little code from menu.lua would be helpful here.
Peach [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 33174 reply_id: 131848[/import]
Moved from Lua Language to Director Class sub-forum.
To me it sounds as though you are not adding your display objects from menu to localGroup - showing a little code from menu.lua would be helpful here.
Peach [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 33174 reply_id: 131848[/import]