Hey guys, i just started to display rewarded ads in my game but these are 60s ads and thats way to long.
Is there a way to limit it to just display 30s ads?
Im using the admob plugin.
Hey guys, i just started to display rewarded ads in my game but these are 60s ads and thats way to long.
Is there a way to limit it to just display 30s ads?
Im using the admob plugin.
I think that on the Admob website in your account settings there is an option for ads that you can customize between 30 and 150 seconds.
Yeah thats what i was hoping to find but when im in the ad settings of each ad, i cant find any option for this
Maybe someone can tell me where to find it.
It used to be that way, but those controls seem to be gone now. (At least I can’t find them anymore.)
I got some complaints from players about the 60-second ads, so I wrote to AdMob and asked how I could limit the reward videos to 30 seconds, like they used to be, and they told me it was not possible to opt out of the 60-second ads.
The good news is that the complaints stopped coming, so I guess everyone just accepts it now.
The thing is, when users are willing to watch an ad to get something of it, thats a win/win for all and the eCPM of an 60s Ad is very high (my current eCPM is 24$).
So maybe its a good thing
As if instant Karma, not an hour after writing that players had stopped complaining about the 60-second ads, I got an angry email about them.
I wish my AdMob rewarded eCPM was still above $20- it’s gone down by half over the course of the past six months.
May I ask in which countries you are getting 20$ and 24$ eCPM with Admob?
I used to get $20 for rewarded ads in America, but not any more.
(NOTE: We’re talking specifically about the eCPM for rewarded videos, not for interstitials or banners or the blended eCPM you see on the main dashboard.)
Thank you!
I have much much lower eCPMs for rewarded videos.
Even $10 sounds huge to me.
Countries are making a big difference and I have pretty low installs in countries high in tier lists.