display.newText auto height issue

Im using the current daily build 2014.2123 although this issue seems to happen on the last few versions of daily build. 

Ive poked around the forums and google but cant find any reference to this issue other than the nexted text limit with masking on http://docs.coronalabs.com/api/library/display/newText.html

On Android device (havent tested iOS yet) no text shows but the text shows in sim, tested on Nexus 7, Evo 3D and bluestacks. Havent had this issue before and its not a problem if the height is set or is set to a number its fine (although its not how i want it displayed) however if its set to autoheight (aka 0) then you get the issue of nothing showing. 

[lua]termtext = “Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cheesecake sugar plum chocolate cake croissant. Cake powder jelly soufflé jelly beans powder bonbon candy cotton candy. Ice cream ice cream croissant. Candy jelly lollipop chocolate cake muffin bear claw lollipop caramels. Dragée jelly danish cotton candy sesame snaps apple pie. Gingerbread cookie chocolate cake apple pie sweet roll danish.\n\nSoufflé pie biscuit tart sugar plum halvah wafer danish. Caramels fruitcake tart biscuit halvah chupa chups jelly-o. Chupa chups applicake jelly beans jelly-o soufflé chocolate. Danish toffee croissant fruitcake jelly unerdwear.com icing chocolate cake soufflé. Sesame snaps cotton candy jelly-o gummi bears. Dessert cupcake oat cake powder unerdwear.com tootsie roll bonbon tiramisu biscuit. Liquorice powder jelly beans biscuit jelly. Marshmallow unerdwear.com biscuit jelly brownie.\n\nTopping topping jelly-o applicake pie chocolate bar applicake cotton candy pie. Marzipan fruitcake cupcake marzipan sweet roll pastry apple pie marzipan danish. Brownie croissant icing jelly beans. Topping sweet roll marshmallow. Wafer tiramisu chocolate bar bonbon cake. Macaroon chocolate bar cupcake wafer donut jelly-o muffin wafer jelly. Cupcake soufflé brownie lollipop chocolate bar caramels. Carrot cake marzipan macaroon wafer jelly pudding.\n\nDanish sweet roll macaroon marzipan tootsie roll pudding marzipan. Sugar plum applicake marzipan sweet roll. Sweet candy canes sweet candy canes ice cream. Pudding oat cake brownie. Cheesecake candy chupa chups lollipop candy canes marshmallow. Applicake macaroon pudding cake tootsie roll chocolate bar. Toffee macaroon cake. Cookie tiramisu tart donut. Dragée carrot cake gummi bears gummi bears donut.\n\nPie candy soufflé. Gingerbread lemon drops carrot cake jelly pudding bonbon tart jujubes. Cotton candy jelly gingerbread carrot cake dragée powder lemon drops. Sweet roll chocolate bar powder candy marzipan ice cream. Cotton candy pastry oat cake candy sweet roll sugar plum carrot cake pudding. Chupa chups bear claw cupcake pie candy wafer candy canes. Fruitcake pie candy gingerbread fruitcake pie. Tart pie unerdwear.com cookie dessert jujubes. Croissant gummies cheesecake lemon drops lemon drops.”

terms = display.newText( termtext, 0, 0, (display.contentWidth*0.85), 0, “”, display.contentHeight*0.025 )
terms:setFillColor( 1,1,1 )
terms.x, terms.y = display.contentWidth*0.5, display.contentHeight*0.5

the code works on my sim and android device. Tested on the “hello world” code sample.

Do note the text color is WHITE. I would always use red in debug, so it is clear.

Anyway, your font should be best stated, instead of ‘blank’ ??

this is the syntax for newText() :

display.newText( [parentGroup,] text, x, y, [width, height,] font, fontSize )

Yep its on a black background and as i said works if i specify height (and yes im quite aware how the syntax works ive used it quite a bit just not for auto height before. 

sigh if anything else ill just switch to a responsive webview 

Ok worked it out, its because i dont have a font specified. set it as native.systemFont and works fine now.

the code works on my sim and android device. Tested on the “hello world” code sample.

Do note the text color is WHITE. I would always use red in debug, so it is clear.

Anyway, your font should be best stated, instead of ‘blank’ ??

this is the syntax for newText() :

display.newText( [parentGroup,] text, x, y, [width, height,] font, fontSize )

Yep its on a black background and as i said works if i specify height (and yes im quite aware how the syntax works ive used it quite a bit just not for auto height before. 

sigh if anything else ill just switch to a responsive webview 

Ok worked it out, its because i dont have a font specified. set it as native.systemFont and works fine now.