… Sure –  Or anyone could save the trouble of that just drop this at the top of any ole main.lua they have sitting around real quick for an example – or see the screenshot attached (see bottom of post) – or try just actually using the language for a purpose other than a game.  ;-)
local options = { text = "This is a long line of text that shows how much line height is used. On small screens, space is a premium commodity and this is a waste.", width = display.contentWidth\*.85, font="AmericanTypewriter-Bold", fontSize = 20, align = "center" } local tmpText = display.newText (options) tmpText.x = display.contentWidth/2; tmpText.y = display.contentHeight/2 - 100; local options = { text = "Meanwhile, the line height on this font is not so bad... but given screenspace, there is STILL room that a developer might want to salvage.", width = display.contentWidth\*.85, font=native.systemFont, fontSize = 24, align = "center" } local tmpText = display.newText (options) tmpText.x = display.contentWidth/2; tmpText.y = display.contentHeight/2 + 120; if (1==1) then return true end;
Also, note that when you go to add code to a post here in the forum, Lua is oddly not an options in the menu.  Granted, that’s not needed – but given that this is a Lua oriented forum.