Each iOS device (iPhone 4, 5, 6, 6, Plus) has its own display.pixelWidth and display.pixelHeight
In config.lua, I have:
application = { content = { width = 750, height = 1334, },
Any image that is full screen which I am using in the app is 750 x 1334.
When I add it onto the screen using:
display.newImage(nameOfGroup, "ImageName.png",375,667)
The image fills the screen on every device but the iPhone 4.
On the iPhone 4 (both simulator and device), the image is significantly smaller than the size of the screen and centered.
Can anybody account for why this happens or how I may be able to get around it other than creating assets at 640 x 960 and using those with a conditional:
if (display.pixelHeight == 960) then display.newImage(nameOfGroup, "ImageNamePhone4.png",320,480) else display.newImage(nameOfGroup, "ImageName.png",375,667) end
Thanks so much in advance!