I’m happy to announce the release of my new library, DMC Corona UI. It’s been a couple of months in the works and now I feel it’s stable enough for others to use. I put together the following screencast to give a little bit of insight into what it can do. Demos start around 2:10.
Many of the Widgets , like Text or TextField, wrap existing OpenGL or platform-native objects to make them behave more consistently and without a doubt give them a lot more Awesome. The other items like the ScrollView and TableView are evolutions based on both code I’ve written in the past and ideas borrowed from the UIKit API from Apple iOS. All of the components are style/theme-aware.
The Styles represent a powerful way to manage style properties and can be linked together to form cascading styles. There are a couple of ways in which they can be organized, and putting everything into a single location or into full themes is really easy.
The Controls , like Navigation, are totally new to my lib and again borrow a lot of lessons from iOS. This one alone saves me from writing a lot of navigation code for complex projects.
There’s a lot more work to be done for sure, but I think it’s off to a really good start.
Get the code, docs, and examples from the video here:
• http://docs.davidmccuskey.com
• http://github.com/dmccuskey
enjoy !
~ dmc
whew, now I can start integrating it into my app.