Do I need to create test user on Facebook to test my Facebook integration?

I made a simple app with Facebook integration that posts a simple message on my facebook account. But when i run it on my phone and click on the share button ,a dialog pops up which says: myApp would like to acess your public profile and firend list. But when I click OK nothing happens,nothing is posted on my wall. What could be the problem?

local facebook = require ("facebook") local widget = require ("widget") local appId = "718373771552331" local function listener1( event )     if ( "session" == event.type ) then         -- upon successful login, request list of friends         if ( "login" == event.phase ) then            -- facebook.showDialog( "feed", { message="You should download this game!" } ) facebook.request( "me/feed", "POST", { message="Hello Facebook" } )         end     elseif ( "dialog" == event.type ) then         print( event.response )     end end local function handleShare( event )     if(event.phase == "ended") then print("da")         facebook.login( appId, listener1 )     end end local kopce2 = widget.newButton { width = 100, height = 100, id="kopce2", label = "share", onEvent= handleShare } kopce2.x = display.contentCenterX kopce2.y = display.contentCenterY-200

I use this code sample. I was wondering if i should make a test user on facebook, so that i could test it .

hey Vlad, keep an eye on this thread:

Deep discussions on what exactly is necessary to access Facebook. Present hypothesis? No clue.

Hello. Thank you for your fast reply.


  1. Created app in facebook developer portal

  2. Created test app under this app

  3. In the test app, under settings, clicked the Add Platform option

  4. Here, input the Package Name for my app, and the Class Name (com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity)

  5. Checked on Single Signon and Enabled Deep Linking

  6. Go to Roles, and added test users.

6a. Key hashes are not relevant here. I found this out as I was inputting just random text and all logins worked fine, without errors in the adb logcat.

  1. Used sample Facebook code to log in with a test user.

  2. Checked test user’s Facebook wall, and saw post located there.


I made through all this steps that you have mentioned in that thread. I use a sample code to post a message on the user’s timeline, but it doesn’t post anything, it just asks me “would you like to access your public profile and friend list.” and after that nothing. What should I do? Can you help me?

hey Vlad, keep an eye on this thread:

Deep discussions on what exactly is necessary to access Facebook. Present hypothesis? No clue.

Hello. Thank you for your fast reply.


  1. Created app in facebook developer portal

  2. Created test app under this app

  3. In the test app, under settings, clicked the Add Platform option

  4. Here, input the Package Name for my app, and the Class Name (com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity)

  5. Checked on Single Signon and Enabled Deep Linking

  6. Go to Roles, and added test users.

6a. Key hashes are not relevant here. I found this out as I was inputting just random text and all logins worked fine, without errors in the adb logcat.

  1. Used sample Facebook code to log in with a test user.

  2. Checked test user’s Facebook wall, and saw post located there.


I made through all this steps that you have mentioned in that thread. I use a sample code to post a message on the user’s timeline, but it doesn’t post anything, it just asks me “would you like to access your public profile and friend list.” and after that nothing. What should I do? Can you help me?