Do not go to the store from the banner of inmobi

I have implemented inmobi.

It is no problem in Android.

The banner will appear in iPhone,
It does not cause a transition to the store when i click it. ~ omitted ~

I stopped here.

When it is the URL have been erased this part, a transition to the store …

Hello ishii

Sohan from InMobi here.

Can you give me the steps that caused this problem? 

Also, are you using Corona Ad Provider or the Corona InMobi Plugin?

Can you send the impression id of the ad which could also relate to the creative problem. To get the the impression id, you can capture the request/response using charles and send it to us.

Also can you tell me if you’re seeing this problem with ALL banner ads.


I am sorry.
I have fixed the problem.

It may be that was the problem on the system side.

Thank you.

Hello ishii

Sohan from InMobi here.

Can you give me the steps that caused this problem? 

Also, are you using Corona Ad Provider or the Corona InMobi Plugin?

Can you send the impression id of the ad which could also relate to the creative problem. To get the the impression id, you can capture the request/response using charles and send it to us.

Also can you tell me if you’re seeing this problem with ALL banner ads.


I am sorry.
I have fixed the problem.

It may be that was the problem on the system side.

Thank you.