Dodge: Dodge the obstacles. [Released]

Dodge.  Dodge the obstacles.

This all started when I started using Corona SDK about three years ago when I was twelve, all new to programming with no prior experience.  The idea of making an app myself appeared to me when news reports about the new iPhone 4 was floating around everywhere.

I searched for the tools to make an app, tried Java for a while but it was too hard, tried Unity but realized that it was too complicated for my needs, and at last settled for Corona SDK after the Bubble Ball news got out later that year.

Since then, there were holes in which I got stuck, which from the help available had successfully jumped out of every one of them.

This is my third creation now, the idea came when I was playing dodgeball at school.  The basic rule rules the game: dodge the obstacles.

I’ll be very grateful if you would take a moment of your time to check this out.  The app is free.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Congrats!   I can imagine the euphoria you must be feeling.  I know what it was like when I had my first app go live.


Thanks for the reply Rob!


Congrats!   I can imagine the euphoria you must be feeling.  I know what it was like when I had my first app go live.


Thanks for the reply Rob!
