The following code is a basic drop of a ball. But the ball does not squish before bouncing back up. First, does the Corona physics engine have the ability to do the squish, and Secondly, what physics body properties need to be set to make this happen? Can someone add to my code to make this work?
--hide status background display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) --ball local h=display.contentHeight local circl = display.newCircle( h\*.05,h\*.05,h\*.06,h\*.06) circl:setFillColor( .1,.8,.5 ) circl.anchorX = 0; circl.anchorY = 0 --floor local rect = display.newRect( 0,h-(h\*.05),display.contentWidth,h) rect:setFillColor( .8,.5,.1 ) rect.anchorX = 0; rect.anchorY = 0 -- physics local physics = require("physics") physics.start() physics.setGravity(0,9.8) physics.addBody(circl, {bounce = 0.7}) physics.addBody(rect,"static",{bounce = 0.2})