Double-click to toggle breakpoint on line

A minor thing but a huge productivity gain. Please consider making it possible to double-click to the left of the line number where the corona symbol appears when you toggle breakpoint. It goes a lot faster and is consistent with all other dev IDE i’ve used than the current right-click method.

Thank you for taking the first steps toward an awesome editor :slight_smile:

This would be great!

I wanted to do that but like a lot of things it’s not as simple as it at first appears.  I have some ideas on an alternative approach so I’ll make sure it’s on the list for a future release.

I was pretty sure it wasn’t simple. but it had to be suggested. would appreciate any quicker solution while you’re working it out of course.

This would be great!

I wanted to do that but like a lot of things it’s not as simple as it at first appears.  I have some ideas on an alternative approach so I’ll make sure it’s on the list for a future release.

I was pretty sure it wasn’t simple. but it had to be suggested. would appreciate any quicker solution while you’re working it out of course.

Or just add a Shortkey in Sublime.

I try to set it in the Deafult (OSX). sublime-keymap but do not know the “cmd” for the breakpoint toggle at the “???”.

{ “keys”: [“F9”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “???”} },

Also it would be nice to know the keymap parameters for ‘inspect variable’ shortkey Control+W.

Just starting to struggle with Sublime and Corona, soz for the perhaps ‘noob’ questions.

Regards, Marc

Closed: Found it myself

Breakpoint = “setb”

Watch = “dump”


{ “keys”: [“F9”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “setb”} },

{ “keys”: [“ctrl+w”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “dump”} }


For nice debugging, do not forget to ‘kill’ the default F11 - Switch to desktop in the Mac Keyboard settings and also set the ‘Use all F1,F2, etc… as standard function keys’ switch.

Also put all .lua files in the folder where the ‘main.lua’ exists since the debugger has a bug which prevents to open .la files outside the main folder for debugging purposes. Use filename specific sorting to keep the folder readable.

Just for you all like me who are new to Mac’s too :wink:

Or just add a Shortkey in Sublime.

I try to set it in the Deafult (OSX). sublime-keymap but do not know the “cmd” for the breakpoint toggle at the “???”.

{ “keys”: [“F9”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “???”} },

Also it would be nice to know the keymap parameters for ‘inspect variable’ shortkey Control+W.

Just starting to struggle with Sublime and Corona, soz for the perhaps ‘noob’ questions.

Regards, Marc

Closed: Found it myself

Breakpoint = “setb”

Watch = “dump”


{ “keys”: [“F9”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “setb”} },

{ “keys”: [“ctrl+w”], “command”: “corona_debugger”, “args”: {“cmd”: “dump”} }


For nice debugging, do not forget to ‘kill’ the default F11 - Switch to desktop in the Mac Keyboard settings and also set the ‘Use all F1,F2, etc… as standard function keys’ switch.

Also put all .lua files in the folder where the ‘main.lua’ exists since the debugger has a bug which prevents to open .la files outside the main folder for debugging purposes. Use filename specific sorting to keep the folder readable.

Just for you all like me who are new to Mac’s too :wink: