I was hoping someone knows how to prevent this. Say I have an object … a ball … that I can drag around. I have defined an area within that ball can bounce off of … walls, ceiling, floor. Is there a way to prevent someone from dragging the ball outside the boundaries of your walls, ceiling, and floor? I basically making a variation of a basketball game and I want to make sure someone does pull the ball outside the court. Right now if they pull the ball outside the court, the ball falls off the screen due to the gravity. TIA.
Here’s my code thus far. I’ve also attached a screenshot of what it looks like. If I drag the ball outside the wall boundaries or the floor and let it go, it will fall off the screen because there isn’t a static body anymore to stop it from falling. If I drag the ball above the ceiling boundary and let it go, it will sit on top of the ceiling. I want to prevent someone from even being able to drag the ball outside these boundaries to eliminate this problem.
– main.lua
– Hide status bar
display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) – Hide that pesky bar
local physics = require “physics”
physics.setGravity(0, 9.0)
– reference point
anchor = {
TopLeft = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 0, 0; end,
TopCenter = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = .5, 0; end,
TopRight = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 1, 0; end,
CenterLeft = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 0, .5; end,
Center = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = .5, .5; end,
CenterRight = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 1, .5; end,
BottomLeft = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 0, 1; end,
BottomCenter = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = .5, 1; end,
BottomRight = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 1, 1; end,
– color interpretation
color = function(r,g, B) return (r/255), (g/255), (b/255); end
–local background = display.newRect(0,0,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
local background = display.newImageRect(“SmartPhone.png”,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
anchor.Center( background )
background.x = display.contentCenterX
background.y = display.contentCenterY
local floorHeight = 10
local floor = display.newRect(25, display.contentHeight-100, display.contentWidth-55, floorHeight)
anchor.CenterLeft ( floor )
floor:setFillColor( color( 0,150,0 ) )
floor.alpha = 0.5
local wallWidth = 5
local lWall = display.newRect(20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, display.contentHeight-300)
anchor.BottomLeft( lWall )
lWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
lWall.alpha = 0.5
local rWall = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, display.contentHeight-300)
anchor.BottomRight( rWall )
rWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
rWall.alpha = 0.5
local ceilingHeight = 10
local ceiling = display.newRect(25,200,display.contentWidth-45,ceilingHeight)
anchor.CenterLeft( ceiling )
ceiling:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
ceiling.alpha = 0.5
staticMaterial = {density=2, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4}
physics.addBody(floor, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(lWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(ceiling, “static”, staticMaterial)
local trashCanBack = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
anchor.TopRight( trashCanBack )
trashCanBack:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanBack.alpha = 0
local trashCanFront = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-120, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
anchor.TopRight( trashCanFront )
trashCanFront:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanFront.alpha = 0
local horizPost = display.newRect(trashCanBack.x, trashCanBack.y, 15, 15)
anchor.BottomRight( horizPost )
horizPost:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
horizPost.alpha = 0
local backBoard = display.newRect(horizPost.x-horizPost.width, horizPost.y-75, 5, 100)
anchor.TopRight( backBoard )
backBoard:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
physics.addBody(trashCanBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(trashCanFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(horizPost, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(backBoard, “static”, staticMaterial)
local rimMiddle = display.newRect(backBoard.x-10, horizPost.y, 74, 4)
anchor.BottomRight( rimMiddle )
rimMiddle:setFillColor( color( 180,120,40) )
local rimBack = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x+rimMiddle.width/14, horizPost.y, 6, 4)
anchor.BottomRight( rimBack )
rimBack:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
local rimFront = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x-rimMiddle.width/3-49, horizPost.y, 7, 4)
anchor.BottomRight( rimFront )
rimFront:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
physics.addBody(rimBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rimFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
local ball = display.newCircle(0.2*display.contentWidth, 0.4*display.contentHeight, 18)
ball:setFillColor( color(192,99,55) )
physics.addBody(ball, “dynamic”, {density=0.8, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4, radius=18})
local speedX = 0
local speedY = 0
local prevTime = 0
local prevX = 0
local prevY = 0
local function drag(event)
local myball = event.target
local phase = event.phase
if phase == “began” then
--print("myBall: " … myball.x … ", " … myball.y)
myball.x0 = event.x - myball.x
myball.y0 = event.y - myball.y
myball.bodyType = “kinematic”
myball:setLinearVelocity(0, 0)
myball.angularVelocity = 0
elseif phase == “moved” then
myball.x = event.x - myball.x0
myball.y = event.y - myball.y0
elseif phase == “ended” or phase == “cancelled” then
myball.bodyType = “dynamic”
return true
function trackVelocity(event)
local timePassed = event.time - prevTime
prevTime = prevTime + timePassed
speedX = (ball.x - prevX) / (timePassed / 1000)
speedY = (ball.y - prevY) / (timePassed / 1000)
prevX = ball.x
prevY = ball.y
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, trackVelocity)
ball:addEventListener(“touch”, drag)
scoreVal = 0
local lastGoalTime = 1000
function monitorScore(event)
if event.time - lastGoalTime > 500 then
if ball.x > rimFront.x + rimFront.width and ball.x < rimBack.x - rimBack.width and ball.y > rimMiddle.y and ball.y < rimMiddle.y + 10 then
scoreVal = scoreVal + 1
lastGoalTime = event.time
score.text = "Score: " … scoreVal
–Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, monitorScore)
Sorry … forgot to attach the screenshot.
I edited your code to keep the ball inside the physics boundaries. Its a pretty easy concept. When ever the ball is moved just check for the edges of the screen. Hope this helps
display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) – Hide that pesky bar
local physics = require “physics”
physics.setGravity(0, 9.0)
local leftSide = display.screenOriginX;
local rightSide = display.contentWidth-display.screenOriginX;
local topSide = display.screenOriginY;
local bottomSide = display.contentHeight-display.screenOriginY;
– color interpretation
color = function(r,g, B) return (r/255), (g/255), (b/255); end
local background = display.newRect(0,0,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
–local background = display.newImageRect(“SmartPhone.png”,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
background.x = display.contentCenterX
background.y = display.contentCenterY
local floorHeight = 10
local floor = display.newRect(25, display.contentHeight-100, rightSide, floorHeight)
floor.x = display.contentWidth * 0.5
floor.y = bottomSide
floor:setFillColor( color( 0,150,0 ) )
floor.alpha = 0.5
local wallWidth = 5
local lWall = display.newRect(20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, bottomSide)
lWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
lWall.x = leftSide
lWall.y = display.contentHeight * 0.5
lWall.alpha = 0.5
local rWall = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, bottomSide)
rWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
rWall.x = rightSide
rWall.y = display.contentHeight * 0.5
rWall.alpha = 0.5
local ceilingHeight = 10
local ceiling = display.newRect(25,200,rightSide ,ceilingHeight)
ceiling:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
ceiling.x = display.contentWidth * 0.5
ceiling.y = topSide
ceiling.alpha = 0.5
staticMaterial = {density=2, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4}
physics.addBody(floor, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(lWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(ceiling, “static”, staticMaterial)
local trashCanBack = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
trashCanBack:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanBack.alpha = 0
local trashCanFront = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-120, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
trashCanFront:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanFront.alpha = 0
local horizPost = display.newRect(trashCanBack.x, trashCanBack.y, 15, 15)
horizPost:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
horizPost.alpha = 0
local backBoard = display.newRect(horizPost.x-horizPost.width, horizPost.y-75, 5, 100)
backBoard:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
physics.addBody(trashCanBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(trashCanFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(horizPost, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(backBoard, “static”, staticMaterial)
local rimMiddle = display.newRect(backBoard.x-10, horizPost.y, 74, 4)
rimMiddle:setFillColor( color( 180,120,40) )
local rimBack = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x+rimMiddle.width/14, horizPost.y, 6, 4)
rimBack:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
local rimFront = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x-rimMiddle.width/3-49, horizPost.y, 7, 4)
rimFront:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
physics.addBody(rimBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rimFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
local ball = display.newCircle(0.2*display.contentWidth, 0.4*display.contentHeight, 18)
ball:setFillColor( color(192,99,55) )
physics.addBody(ball, “dynamic”, {density=0.8, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4, radius=18})
local speedX = 0
local speedY = 0
local prevTime = 0
local prevX = 0
local prevY = 0
local halfBall = ball.contentWidth*0.5
local function checkBoundries()
if ball.contentBounds.xMax > rightSide then
ball.x = rightSide - halfBall
if ball.contentBounds.xMin < leftSide then
ball.x = leftSide + halfBall
if ball.contentBounds.yMax > bottomSide then
ball.y = bottomSide - halfBall
if ball.contentBounds.yMin < topSide then
ball.y = topSide + halfBall
local function drag(event)
local myball = event.target
local phase = event.phase
if phase == “began” then
--print("myBall: " … myball.x … ", " … myball.y)
myball.x0 = event.x - myball.x
myball.y0 = event.y - myball.y
myball.bodyType = “static”
myball:setLinearVelocity(0, 0)
myball.angularVelocity = 0
elseif phase == “moved” then
myball.x = event.x - myball.x0
myball.y = event.y - myball.y0
elseif phase == “ended” or phase == “cancelled” then
myball.bodyType = “dynamic”
return true
function trackVelocity(event)
local timePassed = event.time - prevTime
prevTime = prevTime + timePassed
speedX = (ball.x - prevX) / (timePassed / 1000)
speedY = (ball.y - prevY) / (timePassed / 1000)
prevX = ball.x
prevY = ball.y
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, trackVelocity)
ball:addEventListener(“touch”, drag)
scoreVal = 0
local lastGoalTime = 1000
function monitorScore(event)
if event.time - lastGoalTime > 500 then
if ball.x > rimFront.x + rimFront.width and ball.x < rimBack.x - rimBack.width and ball.y > rimMiddle.y and ball.y < rimMiddle.y + 10 then
scoreVal = scoreVal + 1
lastGoalTime = event.time
score.text = "Score: " … scoreVal
Thanks. This works perfectly.
Here’s my code thus far. I’ve also attached a screenshot of what it looks like. If I drag the ball outside the wall boundaries or the floor and let it go, it will fall off the screen because there isn’t a static body anymore to stop it from falling. If I drag the ball above the ceiling boundary and let it go, it will sit on top of the ceiling. I want to prevent someone from even being able to drag the ball outside these boundaries to eliminate this problem.
– main.lua
– Hide status bar
display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) – Hide that pesky bar
local physics = require “physics”
physics.setGravity(0, 9.0)
– reference point
anchor = {
TopLeft = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 0, 0; end,
TopCenter = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = .5, 0; end,
TopRight = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 1, 0; end,
CenterLeft = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 0, .5; end,
Center = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = .5, .5; end,
CenterRight = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 1, .5; end,
BottomLeft = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 0, 1; end,
BottomCenter = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = .5, 1; end,
BottomRight = function(t) t.anchorX, t.anchorY = 1, 1; end,
– color interpretation
color = function(r,g, B) return (r/255), (g/255), (b/255); end
–local background = display.newRect(0,0,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
local background = display.newImageRect(“SmartPhone.png”,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
anchor.Center( background )
background.x = display.contentCenterX
background.y = display.contentCenterY
local floorHeight = 10
local floor = display.newRect(25, display.contentHeight-100, display.contentWidth-55, floorHeight)
anchor.CenterLeft ( floor )
floor:setFillColor( color( 0,150,0 ) )
floor.alpha = 0.5
local wallWidth = 5
local lWall = display.newRect(20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, display.contentHeight-300)
anchor.BottomLeft( lWall )
lWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
lWall.alpha = 0.5
local rWall = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, display.contentHeight-300)
anchor.BottomRight( rWall )
rWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
rWall.alpha = 0.5
local ceilingHeight = 10
local ceiling = display.newRect(25,200,display.contentWidth-45,ceilingHeight)
anchor.CenterLeft( ceiling )
ceiling:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
ceiling.alpha = 0.5
staticMaterial = {density=2, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4}
physics.addBody(floor, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(lWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(ceiling, “static”, staticMaterial)
local trashCanBack = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
anchor.TopRight( trashCanBack )
trashCanBack:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanBack.alpha = 0
local trashCanFront = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-120, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
anchor.TopRight( trashCanFront )
trashCanFront:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanFront.alpha = 0
local horizPost = display.newRect(trashCanBack.x, trashCanBack.y, 15, 15)
anchor.BottomRight( horizPost )
horizPost:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
horizPost.alpha = 0
local backBoard = display.newRect(horizPost.x-horizPost.width, horizPost.y-75, 5, 100)
anchor.TopRight( backBoard )
backBoard:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
physics.addBody(trashCanBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(trashCanFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(horizPost, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(backBoard, “static”, staticMaterial)
local rimMiddle = display.newRect(backBoard.x-10, horizPost.y, 74, 4)
anchor.BottomRight( rimMiddle )
rimMiddle:setFillColor( color( 180,120,40) )
local rimBack = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x+rimMiddle.width/14, horizPost.y, 6, 4)
anchor.BottomRight( rimBack )
rimBack:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
local rimFront = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x-rimMiddle.width/3-49, horizPost.y, 7, 4)
anchor.BottomRight( rimFront )
rimFront:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
physics.addBody(rimBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rimFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
local ball = display.newCircle(0.2*display.contentWidth, 0.4*display.contentHeight, 18)
ball:setFillColor( color(192,99,55) )
physics.addBody(ball, “dynamic”, {density=0.8, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4, radius=18})
local speedX = 0
local speedY = 0
local prevTime = 0
local prevX = 0
local prevY = 0
local function drag(event)
local myball = event.target
local phase = event.phase
if phase == “began” then
--print("myBall: " … myball.x … ", " … myball.y)
myball.x0 = event.x - myball.x
myball.y0 = event.y - myball.y
myball.bodyType = “kinematic”
myball:setLinearVelocity(0, 0)
myball.angularVelocity = 0
elseif phase == “moved” then
myball.x = event.x - myball.x0
myball.y = event.y - myball.y0
elseif phase == “ended” or phase == “cancelled” then
myball.bodyType = “dynamic”
return true
function trackVelocity(event)
local timePassed = event.time - prevTime
prevTime = prevTime + timePassed
speedX = (ball.x - prevX) / (timePassed / 1000)
speedY = (ball.y - prevY) / (timePassed / 1000)
prevX = ball.x
prevY = ball.y
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, trackVelocity)
ball:addEventListener(“touch”, drag)
scoreVal = 0
local lastGoalTime = 1000
function monitorScore(event)
if event.time - lastGoalTime > 500 then
if ball.x > rimFront.x + rimFront.width and ball.x < rimBack.x - rimBack.width and ball.y > rimMiddle.y and ball.y < rimMiddle.y + 10 then
scoreVal = scoreVal + 1
lastGoalTime = event.time
score.text = "Score: " … scoreVal
–Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, monitorScore)
Sorry … forgot to attach the screenshot.
I edited your code to keep the ball inside the physics boundaries. Its a pretty easy concept. When ever the ball is moved just check for the edges of the screen. Hope this helps
display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) – Hide that pesky bar
local physics = require “physics”
physics.setGravity(0, 9.0)
local leftSide = display.screenOriginX;
local rightSide = display.contentWidth-display.screenOriginX;
local topSide = display.screenOriginY;
local bottomSide = display.contentHeight-display.screenOriginY;
– color interpretation
color = function(r,g, B) return (r/255), (g/255), (b/255); end
local background = display.newRect(0,0,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
–local background = display.newImageRect(“SmartPhone.png”,display.contentWidth,display.contentHeight)
background.x = display.contentCenterX
background.y = display.contentCenterY
local floorHeight = 10
local floor = display.newRect(25, display.contentHeight-100, rightSide, floorHeight)
floor.x = display.contentWidth * 0.5
floor.y = bottomSide
floor:setFillColor( color( 0,150,0 ) )
floor.alpha = 0.5
local wallWidth = 5
local lWall = display.newRect(20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, bottomSide)
lWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
lWall.x = leftSide
lWall.y = display.contentHeight * 0.5
lWall.alpha = 0.5
local rWall = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-100, wallWidth, bottomSide)
rWall:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
rWall.x = rightSide
rWall.y = display.contentHeight * 0.5
rWall.alpha = 0.5
local ceilingHeight = 10
local ceiling = display.newRect(25,200,rightSide ,ceilingHeight)
ceiling:setFillColor( color( 150,0,0 ) )
ceiling.x = display.contentWidth * 0.5
ceiling.y = topSide
ceiling.alpha = 0.5
staticMaterial = {density=2, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4}
physics.addBody(floor, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(lWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rWall, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(ceiling, “static”, staticMaterial)
local trashCanBack = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-20, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
trashCanBack:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanBack.alpha = 0
local trashCanFront = display.newRect(display.contentWidth-120, display.contentHeight-200, 5, 100)
trashCanFront:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33 ) )
trashCanFront.alpha = 0
local horizPost = display.newRect(trashCanBack.x, trashCanBack.y, 15, 15)
horizPost:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
horizPost.alpha = 0
local backBoard = display.newRect(horizPost.x-horizPost.width, horizPost.y-75, 5, 100)
backBoard:setFillColor( color( 33,33,33) )
physics.addBody(trashCanBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(trashCanFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(horizPost, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(backBoard, “static”, staticMaterial)
local rimMiddle = display.newRect(backBoard.x-10, horizPost.y, 74, 4)
rimMiddle:setFillColor( color( 180,120,40) )
local rimBack = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x+rimMiddle.width/14, horizPost.y, 6, 4)
rimBack:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
local rimFront = display.newRect(rimMiddle.x-rimMiddle.width/3-49, horizPost.y, 7, 4)
rimFront:setFillColor( color( 207,67,4 ) )
physics.addBody(rimBack, “static”, staticMaterial)
physics.addBody(rimFront, “static”, staticMaterial)
local ball = display.newCircle(0.2*display.contentWidth, 0.4*display.contentHeight, 18)
ball:setFillColor( color(192,99,55) )
physics.addBody(ball, “dynamic”, {density=0.8, friction=0.3, bounce=0.4, radius=18})
local speedX = 0
local speedY = 0
local prevTime = 0
local prevX = 0
local prevY = 0
local halfBall = ball.contentWidth*0.5
local function checkBoundries()
if ball.contentBounds.xMax > rightSide then
ball.x = rightSide - halfBall
if ball.contentBounds.xMin < leftSide then
ball.x = leftSide + halfBall
if ball.contentBounds.yMax > bottomSide then
ball.y = bottomSide - halfBall
if ball.contentBounds.yMin < topSide then
ball.y = topSide + halfBall
local function drag(event)
local myball = event.target
local phase = event.phase
if phase == “began” then
--print("myBall: " … myball.x … ", " … myball.y)
myball.x0 = event.x - myball.x
myball.y0 = event.y - myball.y
myball.bodyType = “static”
myball:setLinearVelocity(0, 0)
myball.angularVelocity = 0
elseif phase == “moved” then
myball.x = event.x - myball.x0
myball.y = event.y - myball.y0
elseif phase == “ended” or phase == “cancelled” then
myball.bodyType = “dynamic”
return true
function trackVelocity(event)
local timePassed = event.time - prevTime
prevTime = prevTime + timePassed
speedX = (ball.x - prevX) / (timePassed / 1000)
speedY = (ball.y - prevY) / (timePassed / 1000)
prevX = ball.x
prevY = ball.y
Runtime:addEventListener(“enterFrame”, trackVelocity)
ball:addEventListener(“touch”, drag)
scoreVal = 0
local lastGoalTime = 1000
function monitorScore(event)
if event.time - lastGoalTime > 500 then
if ball.x > rimFront.x + rimFront.width and ball.x < rimBack.x - rimBack.width and ball.y > rimMiddle.y and ball.y < rimMiddle.y + 10 then
scoreVal = scoreVal + 1
lastGoalTime = event.time
score.text = "Score: " … scoreVal
Thanks. This works perfectly.
i tried this code it didn’t work
i tried this code it didn’t work