I was just wondering if it’s possible to drag a display group on an isometric map( being able to keep dragging a single tile ). I’ve tried in some ways, without success. I imagine it’s possible, but I thought about asking here first, so I dont work through a really long and hard path just to find out it was a lot simpler.
So I was thinking something like this:
local startGridPos = nil
local onMapClick = function( event )
if not startGridPos then
startGridPos = \_functions.screenToGridPosition(event)
local tile = \_functions.getTileFromScreen(startGridPos)
tileGid = tile.gid
tile:drag( event )
if event.phase == 'began' then
if tile then
local gidImg = \_functions.\_gidImage(tileGid)
--Get the tile image gid and check if the tile is a grass tile(equivalent to an empty tile)
if \_functions.\_isGrassTile(tileGid) then
--It would continue the rest of the onMapClick function normally(changing the image gid to an tree and dragging it or something like that) and inserting the tile to the display group
--tileGroup is the display group previously defined
tileGroup:drag( event )
Runtime::addEventListener("touch", onMapClick)
I dont know if I explained my point correctly. Hope that I did, I can post more code if needed, thank you before hand for even checking this post to help [import]uid: 109816 topic_id: 19550 reply_id: 319550[/import]