Drop in support for Phone devices -- Google warning

After submit and update of one of my apps with the latest Solar2D build, I’ve seeing a droped in my devices support and the reason according to Google is “Doesn’t support framework version”.

Is this framework version related to Solar2D version?

Please, see the images attached

What plugins are you using?

Well, that app have the same plugins, I don’t have added it any new plugin. It is using “plugin.pasteboard”, “CoronaProvider.native.popup.social”, “plugin.reviewPopUp”, “plugin.google.iap.billing.v2”, “plugin.notifications.v2” and “plugin.admob”.

The review popup plugin is only used for iOS.

I’ve found the cause of this, I think. I’ve implemented App open ads on my app, and according to Google this require a minSdkVersion of 19 or higher, and my app uses minSdkVersion of 16

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