Sorry about a stupid question. This is my first Tiled -> Dusk attempt
I’ve exported a json tile file from Tiled and used it in a super simple Dusk example, just to see if I got anything on screen:
display.setStatusBar(display.HiddenStatusBar) display.setDefault("minTextureFilter", "nearest") display.setDefault("magTextureFilter", "nearest") local dusk = require("Dusk.Dusk") dusk.setPreference("enableRotatedMapCulling", true) local currMap = "L6.json" local map = dusk.buildMap("maps/" .. currMap) map.setTrackingLevel(0.3) -- "Fluidity" of the camera movement; numbers closer to 0 mean more fluidly and slowly (but 0 itself will disable the camera!) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", map.updateView)
But the rotation of the tiles using Dusk does not seem to be the same as the rotation of the tile as I made the map in Tiled.
Here’s how the code above looks in the simulator (top) and how it looks in the Tiled editor:
Seems like there 90 and 270 rotation gets swapped somehow. I haven’t yet tried out how mirrored tiles translated from Tiled to Dusk.
I’m sure I’m doing something horribly wrong, but I cannot figure it out.
The json file and tile set png file is attached as “”. Thanks!