I have a simple task that I need done in the next few days
I have a completed app made with Corona (I have the corona files)
I need someone to provide me with an iOS build and an Android build
Some considerations:
a) I would like to do the upload myself to iOS and Play as I need the experience
b) I can provide the certificates and keys
c) The iOS version has iAPs that I need to make sure are working
This is obviously a very simple task that does not require development but simply assisting me with creating workable builds to submit. We can work it out through Paypal or via oDesk if you like. If through oDesk I will cover the oDesk fee
Thank you
Please email me at ghosno@gmail.kom (replacing the “kom” with “com” of course :o)
Let me know the following:
a) Expected timeframe
b) What you would charge
c) Paypal or oDesk [import]uid: 45596 topic_id: 36400 reply_id: 336400[/import]