Editor not seeing Corona Simulator for Daily Build version

Using Ctrl B in Sublime throws an error.  I installed a daily build, 2526, then Sublime 3, then the package editor and imported Corona Lua package.  It was initially giving errors when I tried F10, but I saw that I had to edit the corona_sdk_simulator_path.  I did that per instructions and added the entry below.  


“corona_sdk_simulator_path”:"/Applications/CoronaSDK-2625/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/Corona Simulator",


However, when I do a Ctrl B, I’m still getting a path error?  Any ideas on how I can fix that path?

[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘Corona Simulator’

[cmd: [‘Corona Simulator’, ‘-singleton’, ‘YES’, ‘/Applications/CoronaSDK-2625/SampleCode/Physics/RagDoll’]]

[dir: /Applications/CoronaSDK-2625/SampleCode/Physics/RagDoll]

[path: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS:/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS:/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS:/Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS]



Did you get any answer for this? 

Nah, poked around in internals for Sublime Text for a while.  Tried to trace to where the settings for the Ctrl/Cmd B were set, but ran out of time and moved on to other problems.

I assume we should use the Daily Build vs. the older stable since it seemed like a lot has changed since that release?  Is that right or should I just stick with the stables?

I was having the same errors as you, so I went into my Applications folder and changed the corona folder name to just ‘Corona’, without the daily build number. Now it is working fine.

Thanks, I’ll try that.  It was interesting to poke around in ST - learned some about how it works - but at end of the day I just need the thing to work :slight_smile:

It works for me when I supply it with the .app location (not the actual binary).

For example:

// Corona Editor user settings { // Set this to the path of your Corona Simulator if it's not installed // in the default location for your operating system (remember to double // backslashes in Windows' paths) "corona\_sdk\_simulator\_path": "/Applications/CoronaSDK-2647/Corona Simulator.app", }

Thanks, I’ll give that a try.

Sorry for the delay in replying …

The Corona Editor preferences mostly work for the commands in the Corona Editor menu so rather than Cmd+B you would hit Cmd+F10 ( Corona Editor > Run Project ) to start the Simulator.  We ship a default Sublime Text build system definition for Corona SDK but that only finds the Simulator in the default location.  You can set up Sublime Text’s build system to find the Simulator in other locations yourself but that’s something we leave to advanced Sublime Text users (you’d need to modify the “Corona SDK.sublime-build” file).

Using Run Project , Corona Editor can figure out where your main.lua for the current project is and use the “corona_sdk_simulator_path” to find the Simulator (it’ll work either pointed at the .app or at the binary in the bundle) so it’s more reliable than Cmd+B in most cases.

And if all you use Sublime Text for is Corona Editor you are, of course, free to remap Cmd+B to Run Project.

Did you get any answer for this? 

Nah, poked around in internals for Sublime Text for a while.  Tried to trace to where the settings for the Ctrl/Cmd B were set, but ran out of time and moved on to other problems.

I assume we should use the Daily Build vs. the older stable since it seemed like a lot has changed since that release?  Is that right or should I just stick with the stables?

I was having the same errors as you, so I went into my Applications folder and changed the corona folder name to just ‘Corona’, without the daily build number. Now it is working fine.

Thanks, I’ll try that.  It was interesting to poke around in ST - learned some about how it works - but at end of the day I just need the thing to work :slight_smile:

It works for me when I supply it with the .app location (not the actual binary).

For example:

// Corona Editor user settings { // Set this to the path of your Corona Simulator if it's not installed // in the default location for your operating system (remember to double // backslashes in Windows' paths) "corona\_sdk\_simulator\_path": "/Applications/CoronaSDK-2647/Corona Simulator.app", }

Thanks, I’ll give that a try.

Sorry for the delay in replying …

The Corona Editor preferences mostly work for the commands in the Corona Editor menu so rather than Cmd+B you would hit Cmd+F10 ( Corona Editor > Run Project ) to start the Simulator.  We ship a default Sublime Text build system definition for Corona SDK but that only finds the Simulator in the default location.  You can set up Sublime Text’s build system to find the Simulator in other locations yourself but that’s something we leave to advanced Sublime Text users (you’d need to modify the “Corona SDK.sublime-build” file).

Using Run Project , Corona Editor can figure out where your main.lua for the current project is and use the “corona_sdk_simulator_path” to find the Simulator (it’ll work either pointed at the .app or at the binary in the bundle) so it’s more reliable than Cmd+B in most cases.

And if all you use Sublime Text for is Corona Editor you are, of course, free to remap Cmd+B to Run Project.