Ellipsis: AE - Another adventure game from Glitch Games

I wish I could do art 1/10th as good.

Haha, well I definately can’t do art any where near as good as Simon. This was a game I released way back in 2011 with lots of hand drawn visuals - http://www.iapps4you.com/iphone_ipad_apps/474551_fuze.html#.VsB5-5OLR3M 

I even got it on Kotaku which I was surprised by, sadly my trailer is down and I can’t remember which youtube account it was attached to - http://kotaku.com/5853467/fuze-lets-you-play-around-with-throbbing-bombs-and-premature-explosions

Here’s another screenshot of the game, it’s a central hub type area.


We have decided to rename Solus to Ellipsis, for various reasons but mainly because we feel the new name fits the game better, and as such have updated the first post in this thread.

We have also moved the website to here - www.ellipsis.ae

And also just put up two new screenshots  :D 



Ground Control to Major Tom… helmet-1920x1080.png

Looking forward to seeing this in its completeness.

Us too  :smiley: