Ellipsis: AE - Another adventure game from Glitch Games


We’re in the early stages of a new adventure game, it’s called Ellipsis: AE.

Ellipsis is a first-person point & click adventure game set on a pioneer ship in the year 714 AE. You awake in the med bay, finding yourself completely alone, only to discover something has gone very wrong. Utterly alone and suffering from a fractured memory, it’s up to you to find out what has gone wrong and figure out what to do next.

We have written a small blog post here - http://www.glitchgames.co.uk/ellipsis-ae/

And have an even smaller teaser website for it here - http://www.ellipsis.ae/

Good deal!  Looking forward to more details and the full unveiling.

Thanks! Hope to be able to share more soon.

We’re going to be trying the open-game dev for pre-launch marketing plan that we’ve never done before. One of the main things that we fail on at Glitch is actually telling people about our games properly.

We’re always too paranoid to show people partly finished stuff so we end up only talking about the game properly not long before release.

This time round we’re going to talk about it and show stuff from the get go. We may have actually jumped the gun a bit in that we announced Solus before we’ve even released A Short Tale but we were excited :slight_smile:

We’ve just uploaded the first screenshots, they are pre-pre-alpha so not that polished etc but we wanted to share them anyway.




I’m intrigued :slight_smile:

I wish my pre-pre-alpha work looked this good.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay :slight_smile: We hope to have more soon, we know it’s pretty light on the info currently but we are early in dev and just wanted to get something up to see if we could garner any interest. It certainly worked as TA noticed them in the forums and put up a short post about them - http://toucharcade.com/2016/02/12/solus-after-earth-first-screenshots/

Haha, well my pre-pre-alpha work certainly doesn’t look like this, what everyone needs is a Simon - they are very good at making with the artwork :slight_smile:

I wish I could do art 1/10th as good.

Haha, well I definately can’t do art any where near as good as Simon. This was a game I released way back in 2011 with lots of hand drawn visuals - http://www.iapps4you.com/iphone_ipad_apps/474551_fuze.html#.VsB5-5OLR3M 

I even got it on Kotaku which I was surprised by, sadly my trailer is down and I can’t remember which youtube account it was attached to - http://kotaku.com/5853467/fuze-lets-you-play-around-with-throbbing-bombs-and-premature-explosions

Here’s another screenshot of the game, it’s a central hub type area.


We have decided to rename Solus to Ellipsis, for various reasons but mainly because we feel the new name fits the game better, and as such have updated the first post in this thread.

We have also moved the website to here - www.ellipsis.ae

And also just put up two new screenshots  :D 



Ground Control to Major Tom… helmet-1920x1080.png

Looking forward to seeing this in its completeness.

Us too  :smiley:

Good deal!  Looking forward to more details and the full unveiling.

Thanks! Hope to be able to share more soon.

We’re going to be trying the open-game dev for pre-launch marketing plan that we’ve never done before. One of the main things that we fail on at Glitch is actually telling people about our games properly.

We’re always too paranoid to show people partly finished stuff so we end up only talking about the game properly not long before release.

This time round we’re going to talk about it and show stuff from the get go. We may have actually jumped the gun a bit in that we announced Solus before we’ve even released A Short Tale but we were excited :slight_smile:

We’ve just uploaded the first screenshots, they are pre-pre-alpha so not that polished etc but we wanted to share them anyway.




I’m intrigued :slight_smile:

I wish my pre-pre-alpha work looked this good.  :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay :slight_smile: We hope to have more soon, we know it’s pretty light on the info currently but we are early in dev and just wanted to get something up to see if we could garner any interest. It certainly worked as TA noticed them in the forums and put up a short post about them - http://toucharcade.com/2016/02/12/solus-after-earth-first-screenshots/

Haha, well my pre-pre-alpha work certainly doesn’t look like this, what everyone needs is a Simon - they are very good at making with the artwork :slight_smile: