Email Notification Alert

I need help to create a automatic email that will be send whenever a button is pressed or clicked. Can anyone help me??? :frowning:

There is a open thread on this:

Question: Is this for a class?  I only ask because it seems like a very unique and specific question to see twice by two separate users.

Just curious.  I am always fascinated when I see a number of similar questions pop up.  It makes me feel like I’ve missed something. :slight_smile:

Whatever the case, the other thread has the starting point to a solution for this problem.  Some research will still be required.

Ed, ever thought of a career as a PI?

You can’t automate email sending without user interaction as that is spammy behaviour.  If you want to do this then get yourself an SMTP stack on a server and use that to send the emails (i.e. not the device).  I do this in my app but only to send emails to myself on various app states - like purchase made, etc.

PI == Private Investigator?  :)  Nope.

== or = ? or maybe even ===

surely this is language dependent! lol


That question is not even close to what I wanted to ask

Yes - This is for a class?

No - That thread isn’t what you’re trying to do?   I’m afraid your question wasn’t clear enough.  

Automatic’ sounds to me as if you want to: Click a button immediately create and send an email without any additional user input.  

You can do this (as explained in the other thread and then clarified by adranm above), but there is more involved than just an app.  You need a mail server to do the heavy lifting.

Having said all that, you can still send emails and even select recipients and pre-populate the email body with images and text/links.

I talked about this (and other social sharing stuff) a long time ago on a Corona Geek Hangout and my ( and others’ ) examples can still be found here:

Direct Download link:

Check out the: ComposeEmailSMS example.  It works fine on Android and I suspect it works fine on iOS too.

Should be in this folder when you get zip file: ~\SocialMedia\CoronaResources\fromExamples\ComposeEmailSMS\

If this is a class, why hasn’t the professor given you examples or links to docs?  I don’t think you’re getting your money’s worth.

I think my response more than answered the OP.  No you can’t spam emails without a third party involvement.  Maybe your issue is that Corona won’t allow you to spam and that is your issue not Corona’s.  Sending unsolicited emails is bad and just don’t do it.  If you want visibility on when buttons are pressed then use events in Google Analytics (or other analytics package).

Yeah, sure maybe we hijacked the thread with a bit of fun but hey raise a smile and enjoy being a developer.

Hey Ed “class” can be misinterpreted as a school thing or an OOP thing.

“class” this does raise an interesting quandary… Helping struggling developers I enjoy.  Helping someone at school not so, as you say that is the schools responsibility.

I try to limit the help I give folks who are taking a class.  In this case the examples are a bit more than I’d usually give, but since I already talked about them, wrote some of them, and collected the rest into a handy pack… I figured, “Why not?”

Not sure if you guys are familiar with Senior Seminar…it’s a class where you have to come up with a final project that will make sense in real world. Long story short, it should allow you to imply your knowledge in practical, something that you didn’t learn in school.

That’s cool.  I should have been more clear.  If this were for a programming class and the course used Corona and if this were an assignment, then I’d be reluctant to give an exact solution.

However, this sounds more like programming/app-development as your selected means of achieving an end-goal for your course.  For that kind of deal, I’m happy to help.  

I hope one or more of the samples I pointed to in the links above help.



It is app development using corona sdk

In that case then you are asking us to do your coursework for you and that is just lazy…

Nope, what ever resources I get I change it to do exactly what I want

Not because someone ask a question means that exactly what they need

@adrianm not everyone ask a question to get someone to do their work for them. It must mean that they try every possible way they could have think of before they requested help.

@danelia I’ll quote your other post “I want to display ads in my app…I have been researching but no luck…can someone help me please”… really?

There are tonnes of help and docs on advertising. FFS, Corona is owned by an ad network!