"Enable Analytics and Monetization" slows down app


I have noticed a slowdown in an app that is built with monetization enabled (Build 2731) in comparison to the same app with monetization unchecked. On an old iPod 4G, you notice it immediately, on a new iPhone 6, it comes to a slowdown when about 30 transition.to are played at the same time. With WiFi off, there is no slowdown. I can’t release the app like this, is there any help?



Can you turn off the analtics and moneitization?

I want to monetize with Fuse. When I turn it off, it is stable but not monetized.

Hi @Philipp,

There should be no reason this is slowing down your overall app. How/when are you calling Fuse ad APIs? Are you sure it’s optimized and that you’re not making calls repeatedly and redundantly?


Also, Philipp, are you currently part of the Fuse beta?

Thank you both for your help.

I checked the code many times for redundancies, but didn’t find any. Also, it runs fine without monetization enabled.

Yes, I am participating in the Fuse Beta.

I have made a few tests, and found out that the app has massive slowdowns on iPod 4G in the first 30 seconds when monetization is enabled. This happens only when I am in my own bad WiFi, with a better WiFi it works fine. Regardless if I load the fuse plugin and init it or not, it prints out that it loads MoPub interstitials ( MOPUB: MoPub MRAID interstitial did load )

and this: ADCOLONY [*WARNING*] App Transport Security (ATS) is not disabled in your app’s plist. This may adversely affect advertising performance.

Maybe this is the cause of the slowdowns?

Hello Philipp, I also noticed some slowdowns after adding the Fuse plugin, and also saw the ATS warnings.  After disabling ATS, the performance issues went away.  Not sure if it is the same problem as yours, but I’d recommend trying it.

See “Disable ATS by Default” at https://coronalabs.com/blog/2015/09/17/about-app-transport-security-ats/ for details.

Best regards,


Thanks Tony, I will try that tomorrow morning and tell if it works!

It didn’t work, the line by ADCOLONY is not printed any more, but the performance is still bad.

Also, I noticed that enabling monetization makes the app 10 MB heavier?

Can you turn off the analtics and moneitization?

I want to monetize with Fuse. When I turn it off, it is stable but not monetized.

Hi @Philipp,

There should be no reason this is slowing down your overall app. How/when are you calling Fuse ad APIs? Are you sure it’s optimized and that you’re not making calls repeatedly and redundantly?


Also, Philipp, are you currently part of the Fuse beta?

Thank you both for your help.

I checked the code many times for redundancies, but didn’t find any. Also, it runs fine without monetization enabled.

Yes, I am participating in the Fuse Beta.

I have made a few tests, and found out that the app has massive slowdowns on iPod 4G in the first 30 seconds when monetization is enabled. This happens only when I am in my own bad WiFi, with a better WiFi it works fine. Regardless if I load the fuse plugin and init it or not, it prints out that it loads MoPub interstitials ( MOPUB: MoPub MRAID interstitial did load )

and this: ADCOLONY [*WARNING*] App Transport Security (ATS) is not disabled in your app’s plist. This may adversely affect advertising performance.

Maybe this is the cause of the slowdowns?

Hello Philipp, I also noticed some slowdowns after adding the Fuse plugin, and also saw the ATS warnings.  After disabling ATS, the performance issues went away.  Not sure if it is the same problem as yours, but I’d recommend trying it.

See “Disable ATS by Default” at https://coronalabs.com/blog/2015/09/17/about-app-transport-security-ats/ for details.

Best regards,


Thanks Tony, I will try that tomorrow morning and tell if it works!

It didn’t work, the line by ADCOLONY is not printed any more, but the performance is still bad.

Also, I noticed that enabling monetization makes the app 10 MB heavier?