Ender portal effect.

I have some movable image. I want to make ender portal (from minecraft )effect, and use it on my image.And i can’t google it because I don’t know how to name this effect right.And I’m quite new to shaders, soo…


Is that the particle system you see at the beginning here? If not, maybe you could point to some in-game footage?

I recorded this effect:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lzxXsz4gjBRjIE7_pfsyE6oysKUH5Unl/view?usp=sharing

Hi. Did you ever get this working?

It looks a lot like a few starfields mixed together, with some static bits, although strictly horizontal / vertical. Avoiding “camera” motion should be merely a matter of omitting it from any groups that move.

Hello. Waited for some answers).
Thanks for advice, I’m going to try this.