Enemy built when not displayed.

I just noticed, that if I make large object in Tiled, the enemy is being built when map is loaded, not when it should be built using object culling. I noticed that it will print things from enemy.lua to console when it shouldnt. 

This is the code that you gave me to use object culling.


local function addObjectType(params)

  params.objects = params.objects or {}

  local function buildObject(event)

    local obj = params.build(event)

    if obj then

   event.object.builtObject = obj

   obj.mapObject = event.object

   params.objects[obj] = obj



   for layer in map.objectLayers() do

     layer.addObjectListener(“type”, params.objectType, “drawn”, buildObject)

     layer.addObjectListener(“type”, params.objectType, “erased”, function(event)

      if (event.object.builtObject) then

      params.objects[event.object.builtObject] = nil






So all in all, my enemy is built when it should be culled :slight_smile:

Can you give me a bit more information? How big is the enemy? How big is the map? What things is it printing to the console when it shouldn’t? Is it getting created when it’s well off the screen?

  • Caleb

Yes it is getting created when it well off the screen (positioned player and enemy to the other sides of the map).

Map’s tile size is 96x96 with 100x100 tiles. It is printing things in enemy.lua and enterFrame function the enemy has. For example my enterFrame function prints “ZOMBIE” from the first line of the function.

I noticed its not about the size of the rectangle Tiled object. It has something to do with its position. These are the player’s starting coordinate and my zombie’s “bug” coordinates:

player: x = 5631.54, y = ​2780.62

zombie: x = 808.63, y= 2848,73 ( width 932, height 437 )

(the map is not completely done, this is why the x coordinate is not so great in player :slight_smile: )


Now I am testing with different player starting locaitons (mainly changing y coordinate) and these are the results:

Not wanted build happens (player y coordinates):







Does not happen (yay!)

3380 or greater ( on 3380 the objectType.remove() was also called, nowhere else this happened)

1920 or less

Zombie’s coordinates and size were the same as mentioned before. player.x varied slightly.

EDIT: Now I made the same testing with zombie By switching places with player and zombie, and changed the coordinate with zombie the same way than player (changing y coordinate) and the unwanted build is not happening at all

all in all the bug happens when zombie.x < player.x and if zombie.y - player.y > ~ 800

Hope this helps at all  :smiley:

Hm… I’ll check this out.

  • Caleb

Can you give me a bit more information? How big is the enemy? How big is the map? What things is it printing to the console when it shouldn’t? Is it getting created when it’s well off the screen?

  • Caleb

Yes it is getting created when it well off the screen (positioned player and enemy to the other sides of the map).

Map’s tile size is 96x96 with 100x100 tiles. It is printing things in enemy.lua and enterFrame function the enemy has. For example my enterFrame function prints “ZOMBIE” from the first line of the function.

I noticed its not about the size of the rectangle Tiled object. It has something to do with its position. These are the player’s starting coordinate and my zombie’s “bug” coordinates:

player: x = 5631.54, y = ​2780.62

zombie: x = 808.63, y= 2848,73 ( width 932, height 437 )

(the map is not completely done, this is why the x coordinate is not so great in player :slight_smile: )


Now I am testing with different player starting locaitons (mainly changing y coordinate) and these are the results:

Not wanted build happens (player y coordinates):







Does not happen (yay!)

3380 or greater ( on 3380 the objectType.remove() was also called, nowhere else this happened)

1920 or less

Zombie’s coordinates and size were the same as mentioned before. player.x varied slightly.

EDIT: Now I made the same testing with zombie By switching places with player and zombie, and changed the coordinate with zombie the same way than player (changing y coordinate) and the unwanted build is not happening at all

all in all the bug happens when zombie.x < player.x and if zombie.y - player.y > ~ 800

Hope this helps at all  :smiley:

Hm… I’ll check this out.

  • Caleb