Enterprise builds include hidden files

When I build a Corona-project from Xcode all the hidden files and folders are included in the .app-file. The hidden files are in my case .DS_store and .git. The .git files even induce some permission issues when I rebuild the project without cleaning. The hidden files aren’t there when I build from the Corona simulator.

For now my solution is the change my git-setup. Is it possible to remove the .DS_store-files somehow? Is this issue fixed in a later enterprise-build? I uses 2015.2545.

Looking forward to your answers.

[UPDATE: We’re looking into it. The below fix doesn’t work]

[UPDATE #2: Proper fix found]

The Xcode project is using the following helper script to copy resources in your Corona project folder into your .app bundle:


There is a line that reads:

find -H “$SRC_DIR” -print | while read file;

If you’re comfortable doing this, you can modify it with the following line ( bolded ), so it ignores hidden files in subdirectories:

find -H “$SRC_DIR” -name ‘.*’ -prune -o -print | while read file;


Otherwise, we’ll be updating this in the next daily build for CoronaEnterprise so that it skips hidden files by default.

[UPDATE: We’re looking into it. The below fix doesn’t work]

[UPDATE #2: Proper fix found]

The Xcode project is using the following helper script to copy resources in your Corona project folder into your .app bundle:


There is a line that reads:

find -H “$SRC_DIR” -print | while read file;

If you’re comfortable doing this, you can modify it with the following line ( bolded ), so it ignores hidden files in subdirectories:

find -H “$SRC_DIR” -name ‘.*’ -prune -o -print | while read file;


Otherwise, we’ll be updating this in the next daily build for CoronaEnterprise so that it skips hidden files by default.