Enterprise iOS app template and coronalabs/plugins-source “f” prefix?

What is the significance of the “f” prefix used in the Enterprise app template and in the open sourced Corona plugins?

Examples: fListener, fAppViewController, fMatchesDictionary, etc.

Everything else is apparent but I can’t figure out the pattern of the “f” prefix.

That’s just an internal naming convention here at Corona Labs.  The ‘f’ stands for “field”.  As in field variable (aka: member variable or instance variable).  All variables starting with an ‘f’ are class member/field variables.  Feel free to change it in your own code.  Another popular naming convention is to use “m_” for class field/member variables.

Thanks, Joshua! It makes perfect sense now.

That’s just an internal naming convention here at Corona Labs.  The ‘f’ stands for “field”.  As in field variable (aka: member variable or instance variable).  All variables starting with an ‘f’ are class member/field variables.  Feel free to change it in your own code.  Another popular naming convention is to use “m_” for class field/member variables.

Thanks, Joshua! It makes perfect sense now.