I got a build of the Amazon IAP plugin to use with Enterprise, and it seems to work as expected.
Thanks David!
I got a build of the Amazon IAP plugin to use with Enterprise, and it seems to work as expected.
Thanks David!
I am trying to implement Amazon IAP for corona enterprise but it’s not working.
I added in-app-purchasing-1.0.3.jar and plugin.amazon.iap.jar in libs folder on my android project also I added
<receiver android:name = “com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.ResponseReceiver” >
<action android:name = “com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.NOTIFY”
android:permission = “com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.Permission.NOTIFY” />
in androidmanifest.xml file.
I installed the app and open the app it appears blank screen also installed amazonSDKtester.apk file.
I don’t know the problem why it’s not working.Please help me.
But when i build apk from corona sdk Simulator and test the app it’s working also Amazon inapp purchase working.
Hmm. Not sure. Seems like it should work. Could it be the build.settings plugin setup?
Have you tried using the ddms debugger?
I am trying to implement Amazon IAP for corona enterprise but it’s not working.
I added in-app-purchasing-1.0.3.jar and plugin.amazon.iap.jar in libs folder on my android project also I added
<receiver android:name = “com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.ResponseReceiver” >
<action android:name = “com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.NOTIFY”
android:permission = “com.amazon.inapp.purchasing.Permission.NOTIFY” />
in androidmanifest.xml file.
I installed the app and open the app it appears blank screen also installed amazonSDKtester.apk file.
I don’t know the problem why it’s not working.Please help me.
But when i build apk from corona sdk Simulator and test the app it’s working also Amazon inapp purchase working.
Hmm. Not sure. Seems like it should work. Could it be the build.settings plugin setup?
Have you tried using the ddms debugger?