enterScene does not triggered

I am trying to create a game using gyroscope and I am facing a very strange problem. I have the following two scene’s


I want when the ball in the first scene collide with the door to move to the second scene.
When the ball move slowly and collide with the door everything works fine and the next scene starts normaly, but if the ball in the first scene move very fast and collide with the door with great force the next scene starts frοsted, it seems like the enterscene event is not triggered. Any Idea?

My code:


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- scene1.lua -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local storyboard = require( "storyboard" ) local scene = storyboard.newScene() system.setIdleTimer( false ) local physics = require "physics" local physicsData = (require "myphysics").physicsData(1.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BEGINNING OF IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local displayTime,background,ball,maze,maze2,borders,exitscn local startTime=0 local levelTime = 20 local function onGyroscopeDataReceived( event ) local deltaRadiansX = event.xRotation \* event.deltaTime local deltaDegreesX = deltaRadiansX \* (180 / math.pi) local deltaRadiansY = event.yRotation \* event.deltaTime local deltaDegreesY = deltaRadiansY \* (180 / math.pi) ball:applyForce( -deltaDegreesX\*6, -deltaDegreesY\*6, ball.x, ball.y ) end function nextScene() storyboard.gotoScene( "loadscene2") end local function onCollision( event ) if ( event.phase == "ended" ) then if(event.object1.name=="exitscn" or event.object2.name=="exitscn") then timer.performWithDelay ( 500, nextScene ) end end end local function gameOver() storyboard.gotoScene( "menu", "fade", 300) end local function checkTime(event) local now = os.time() displayTime.text = levelTime - (now - startTime) if ( levelTime - (now - startTime)==0) then gameOver() end end -- Called when the scene's view does not exist: function scene:createScene( event ) local screenGroup = self.view physics.start(); physics.setGravity( 0,0 ) displayTime = display.newText(levelTime, 0, 0, "Helvetica", 20) displayTime.isVisible=false background=display.newImage("bcklevel1.png") background.x=display.contentCenterX background.y=display.contentCenterY ball=display.newImage("ball1.png") ball.x=30 ball.y=display.contentCenterY ball.name="ball" maze=display.newImage( "maze1.png" ) maze.x=display.contentCenterX maze.y=display.contentCenterY maze.name="maze" maze2=display.newImage( "maze1.png" ) maze2.x=display.contentCenterX maze2.y=display.contentCenterY maze2.name="maze2" borders=display.newImage( "borders.png" ) borders.x=display.contentCenterX borders.y=display.contentCenterY borders.name="borders" borders.alpha=0.1 exitscn=display.newImage("exit.png") exitscn.x=display.contentWidth-30 exitscn.y=display.contentCenterY exitscn.name="exitscn" physics.addBody (ball, "dynamic",physicsData:get("ball")) physics.addBody (maze, "static",physicsData:get("mazelevel1\_1")) physics.addBody (maze2, "static",physicsData:get("mazelevel1\_2")) physics.addBody (borders, "static",physicsData:get("borders")) physics.addBody (exitscn, "dynamic",physicsData:get("exitscn")) --ball:addEventListener ( "touch", nextScene ) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", checkTime) Runtime:addEventListener( "gyroscope", onGyroscopeDataReceived ) Runtime:addEventListener( "collision", onCollision ) screenGroup:insert( background ) screenGroup:insert(displayTime) screenGroup:insert( ball ) screenGroup:insert( maze ) screenGroup:insert( maze2 ) screenGroup:insert( borders ) screenGroup:insert( exitscn ) print( "\n1: createScene event") end -- Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen: function scene:enterScene( event ) print( "1: enterScene event" ) physics.start() startTime = os.time() displayTime.isVisible=true end -- Called when scene is about to move offscreen: function scene:exitScene( event ) print( "1: exitScene event" ) physics.stop( ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", checkTime ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "gyroscope", onGyroscopeDataReceived ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "collision", onCollision ) end -- Called prior to the removal of scene's "view" (display group) function scene:destroyScene( event ) print( "((destroying scene 1's view))" ) package.loaded[physics] = nil physics = nil end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- END OF YOUR IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "createScene" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene ) -- "enterScene" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene ) -- "exitScene" event is dispatched before next scene's transition begins scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene ) -- "destroyScene" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be -- automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to -- storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene(). scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return scene

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- scene2.lua -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local storyboard = require( "storyboard" ) local scene = storyboard.newScene() system.setIdleTimer( false ) local physics = require "physics" local physicsData = (require "myphysics").physicsData(1.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BEGINNING OF IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local displayTime,background,ball,maze,maze2,borders,exitscn local startTime=0 local levelTime = 20 local function onGyroscopeDataReceived( event ) local deltaRadiansX = event.xRotation \* event.deltaTime local deltaDegreesX = deltaRadiansX \* (180 / math.pi) local deltaRadiansY = event.yRotation \* event.deltaTime local deltaDegreesY = deltaRadiansY \* (180 / math.pi) ball:applyForce( -deltaDegreesX\*6, -deltaDegreesY\*6, ball.x, ball.y ) end function nextScene() storyboard.gotoScene( "menu", "fade", 1000 ) end local function onCollision( event ) if ( event.phase == "ended" ) then if(event.object1.name=="exitscn" or event.object2.name=="exitscn") then timer.performWithDelay ( 500, nextScene ) end end end local function gameOver() storyboard.gotoScene( "menu", "fade", 300) end local function checkTime(event) local now = os.time() displayTime.text = levelTime - (now - startTime) if ( levelTime - (now - startTime)==0) then gameOver() end end -- Called when the scene's view does not exist: function scene:createScene( event ) local screenGroup = self.view physics.start(); physics.setGravity( 0,0 ) displayTime = display.newText(startTime, 0, 0, "Helvetica", 20) displayTime.isVisible=false background=display.newImage("bcklevel1.png") background.x=display.contentCenterX background.y=display.contentCenterY ball=display.newImage("ball1.png") ball.x=30 ball.y=display.contentCenterY ball.name="ball" maze=display.newImage( "maze2.png" ) maze.x=display.contentCenterX maze.y=display.contentCenterY maze.name="maze" maze2=display.newImage( "maze2.png" ) maze2.x=display.contentCenterX maze2.y=display.contentCenterY maze2.name="maze2" borders=display.newImage( "borders.png" ) borders.x=display.contentCenterX borders.y=display.contentCenterY borders.name="borders" borders.alpha=0.1 exitscn=display.newImage("exit.png") exitscn.x=display.contentWidth-30 exitscn.y=display.contentCenterY exitscn.name="exitscn" physics.addBody (ball, "dynamic",physicsData:get("ball")) physics.addBody (maze, "static",physicsData:get("mazelevel2\_1")) physics.addBody (maze2, "static",physicsData:get("mazelevel2\_2")) physics.addBody (borders, "static",physicsData:get("borders")) physics.addBody (exitscn, "dynamic",physicsData:get("exitscn")) --ball:addEventListener ( "touch", nextScene ) Runtime:addEventListener("enterFrame", checkTime) Runtime:addEventListener( "gyroscope", onGyroscopeDataReceived ) Runtime:addEventListener( "collision", onCollision ) screenGroup:insert( background ) screenGroup:insert(displayTime) screenGroup:insert( ball ) screenGroup:insert( maze ) screenGroup:insert( maze2 ) screenGroup:insert( borders ) screenGroup:insert( exitscn ) print( "\n1: createScene event") end -- Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen: function scene:enterScene( event ) print( "1: enterScene event" ) physics.start() startTime = os.time() displayTime.isVisible=true end -- Called when scene is about to move offscreen: function scene:exitScene( event ) print( "1: exitScene event" ) physics.stop( ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", checkTime ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "gyroscope", onGyroscopeDataReceived ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "collision", onCollision ) end -- Called prior to the removal of scene's "view" (display group) function scene:destroyScene( event ) print( "((destroying scene 2's view))" ) package.loaded[physics] = nil physics = nil end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- END OF YOUR IMPLEMENTATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "createScene" event is dispatched if scene's view does not exist scene:addEventListener( "createScene", scene ) -- "enterScene" event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished scene:addEventListener( "enterScene", scene ) -- "exitScene" event is dispatched before next scene's transition begins scene:addEventListener( "exitScene", scene ) -- "destroyScene" event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be -- automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to -- storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene(). scene:addEventListener( "destroyScene", scene ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return scene

Are there any errors in your console log?

I don’t know, because the ball is moving using gyroscope, simulator doesn’t support gyroscope so I have to test it using my phone.
I solve it using an empty “dummy” scene without physics between these two scenes, but still, this is not an “appropriate” solution I think. 

The strange thing is that if the ball collide smoothly with the door everything works fine but if the ball has great force the next scene is frosted.

Plug your phone into your USB port using your sync cord. Run XCode, use the Organizer window (Window->Organizer).

Your device will show up in the left nav bar.  And underneath it will be a link called “Console”.  This is your device’s console log where Corona prints and errors get written.   You may have to click on the device and choose “Use for Development”, which is a one time thing.  It make take a few minutes to load everything in. 

This should give you some suggestion as to what is going on.  I suspect that there may be some collision stuff going on after the scene finishes and that code isn’t around to run any more…


A boolean for whether the body should be treated as a “bullet”. Bullets are subject to continuous collision detection, rather than periodic collision detection at world timesteps. This is more computationally expensive, but it prevents fast-moving objects from passing through solid barriers. The default is  false.

Are there any errors in your console log?

I don’t know, because the ball is moving using gyroscope, simulator doesn’t support gyroscope so I have to test it using my phone.
I solve it using an empty “dummy” scene without physics between these two scenes, but still, this is not an “appropriate” solution I think. 

The strange thing is that if the ball collide smoothly with the door everything works fine but if the ball has great force the next scene is frosted.

Plug your phone into your USB port using your sync cord. Run XCode, use the Organizer window (Window->Organizer).

Your device will show up in the left nav bar.  And underneath it will be a link called “Console”.  This is your device’s console log where Corona prints and errors get written.   You may have to click on the device and choose “Use for Development”, which is a one time thing.  It make take a few minutes to load everything in. 

This should give you some suggestion as to what is going on.  I suspect that there may be some collision stuff going on after the scene finishes and that code isn’t around to run any more…


A boolean for whether the body should be treated as a “bullet”. Bullets are subject to continuous collision detection, rather than periodic collision detection at world timesteps. This is more computationally expensive, but it prevents fast-moving objects from passing through solid barriers. The default is  false.