Working my way through the Star Explorer tutorial, and when I finished the ship dragging code, it suggests to try it out.
When I do I get an error, that says:
main.lua:165: ‘<eof’ expected near 'end’
I’ve gone through the code multiple times, but I can’t figure out where I went wrong. I am kind of hesitant to continue in case the error is persistent.
Below is my code.
Any help would be appreciated.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- main.lua -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local physics = require "physics" physics.start() physics.setGravity( 0, 0 ) -- Seed the random number generator math.randomseed( os.time() ) -- Configure Image Sheet local sheetOptions = { frames = { { -- 1) Asteroid 1 x = 0, y = 0, width = 102, height = 85 }, { -- 2) Asteroid 2 x = 0, y = 85, width = 90, height = 83 }, { -- 3) Asteroid 3 x = 0, y = 168, width = 100, height = 97 }, { -- 4) Ship x = 0, y = 265, width = 98, height = 79 }, { -- 5) Laser x = 98, y = 265, width = 14, height = 40 }, }, } local objectSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "gameObjects.png", sheetOptions ) -- Initialize Variables local lives = 3 local score = 0 local died = false local asteroidsTable = {} local ship local gameLoopTimer local livesText local scoreText -- Set Up Display Groups local backGroup = display.newGroup() -- Display Group for background image local mainGroup = display.newGroup() -- Display Group for ship, asteroids, lasers, etc. local uiGroup = display.newGroup() -- Display Group for UI objects like the score --Load the background local background = display.newImageRect( backGroup, "background.png", 800, 1400) background.x = display.contentCenterX background.y = display.contentCenterY ship = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, objectSheet, 4, 98, 79) ship.x = display.contentCenterX ship.y = display.contentHeight - 100 physics.addBody( ship, {radius=30, isSensor=true} ) ship.myName = "ship" --Display Lives and Score livesText = display.newText( uiGroup, "Lives: " .. lives, 200, 80, native.systemFont, 36 ) scoreText = display.newText( uiGroup, "Score: " .. score, 400, 80, native.systemFont, 36 ) --Hide Status bar display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) local function updateText() livesText.text = "Lives: " .. lives scoreText.text = "Score: " .. score end local function createAsteroid() local newAsteroid = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, objectSheet, 1, 102, 85 ) table.insert( asteroidsTable, newAsteroid ) physics.addBody( newAsteroid, "dynamic", {radius=40, bounce=0.8} ) newAsteroid.myName = "asteroid" local whereFrom = math.random( 3 ) if ( whereFrom == 1 ) then --From the left newAsteroid.x = -60 newAsteroid.y = math.random( 500 ) newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity( math.random( 40,120), math.random( 20,60) ) elseif ( whereFrom == 2 ) then --From the Top newAsteroid.x = math.random( display.contentWidth ) newAsteroid.y = -60 newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity ( math.random( -40,40 ), math.random( 40,120 ) ) elseif ( whereFrom == 3 ) then --From the Right newAsteroid.x = display.contentWidth + 60 newAsteroid.y = math.random( 500 ) newAsteroid:setLinearVelocity( math.random( -120,-40 ), math.random( 20,60 ) ) end newAsteroid:applyTorque( math.random( -6,6 ) ) end local function fireLaser() local newLaser = display.newImageRect( mainGroup, objectSheet, 5, 14, 40 ) physics.addBody( newLaser, "dynamic", { isSensor=true } ) newLaser.isBullet = true newLaser.myName = "laser" newLaser.x = ship.x newLaser.y = ship.y newLaser:toBack() newLaser, { y=-40, time=500, onComplete = function() display.remove( newLaser ) end } ) end ship:addEventListener( "tap", fireLaser ) local function dragShip( event ) local ship = local phase = event.phase if ( "began" == phase ) then --set touch focus on the ship display.currentStage:setFocus ( ship ) -- store initial offset position ship.touchOffsetX = event.x - ship.x elseif ( "moved" == phase ) then --Move ship to new touch position ship.x = event.x - ship.touchOffsetX elseif ( "ended" == phase or "cancelled" == phase) then --release touch focus in the Ship display.currentStage:setFocus( nil ) end return true --prevents touch propagation to underlying objects end ship:addEventListener( "touch", dragShip )