ERROR Build failed - Vungle plugin issue using (latest) build 3080

I am having issues when building for device with Vungle plugin included. Will contact them via email.

4 ERROR: Builder failed: ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/simonnatt/Data/Projects/Appsolute/Swipe-It/builds/dev/0.1.1/Crushy\' May 13 10:38:14.664 undef: \_\_ZNSs4\_Rep20\_S\_empty\_rep\_storageE undef: \_\_ZNKSs7compareEPKc undef: \_\_ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE undef: \_\_ZNSs6assignEPKcm undef: \_\_ZNSs4\_Rep10\_M\_destroyERKSaIcE Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: "std::string::\_Rep::\_S\_empty\_rep\_storage", referenced from: Corona::Vungle::Show(lua\_State\*) in libads-vungle.a(VungleAds.o) "std::string::compare(char const\*) const", referenced from: Corona::Vungle::Show(lua\_State\*) in libads-vungle.a(VungleAds.o) "std::basic\_string\<char, std::char\_traits\<char\>, std::allocator\<char\> \>::basic\_string(char const\*, std::allocator\<char\> const&)", referenced from: Corona::Vungle::Show(lua\_State\*) in libads-vungle.a(VungleAds.o) "std::string::assign(char const\*, unsigned long)", referenced from: Corona::Vungle::Show(lua\_State\*) in libads-vungle.a(VungleAds.o) "std::string::\_Rep::\_M\_destroy(std::allocator\<char\> const&)", referenced from: Corona::Vungle::Show(lua\_State\*) in libads-vungle.a(VungleAds.o) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) May 13 10:38:14.667 BUILD ERROR: There was a problem linking the app. Check the console for more information. May 13 10:38:14.668 iOS build failed (12) after 205 seconds May 13 10:38:14.931 ERROR: Build Failed: There was a problem linking the app. Check the console for more information. May 13 10:38:14.932 


Might be an iOS issue as vungle plugin builds fine on Android to me.  I know they have just updated their plugin for a few bugs I told them about.  The main one was blank screen after video playback on iOS.

I’m also experiencing this issue…

Same problem here for iOS build now!

Hello all,

Sorry for the inconvenience, there was a miscommunication inside our dev team. Corona SDK recently raised their support to minimum iOS 8 and Vungle SDK still supports iOS7. We will try to rebuild it soon, in the meantime you can use daily build version of 3078.



Any chance you can remove:

  • “android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”

I doubt it as ad libraries use this permission to cache videos to storage

These do not:



Facebook Audience Network




and possibly others. I just wish Applovin and or Vungle would not since they are my favorite.

And I wouldn’t care but in the latest few Android versions, the permission says that the app can read your personal pictures, data files, and other documents. It also allows you to turn the permission off and then with some of these plugins the app crashes when it tries to use the permission.

I only use Vungle as their cpms are great but I would imagine all ad libraries that offer video ads would pre-cache them

We just released our plugin yesterday, and Corona daily build 3081 will work fine with Vungle. It has our iOS SDK 4.1.0 that fixes bugs with improved performance on video end cards.

Vungle Android SDK requires WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is required for Android API 18 and below. Our SDK will fail to initialize when this permission is not declared because it can not pre-cache ad assets and this applies to other ad networks using pre-cached video. Google has removed this requirement starting Kitkat, so you can declare permission in your AndroidManifest.xml as below:

<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” android:maxSdkVersion=“18” />

Here is the link to Android API documentation:



Thank you! This explains why some video networks do not require it.

Might be an iOS issue as vungle plugin builds fine on Android to me.  I know they have just updated their plugin for a few bugs I told them about.  The main one was blank screen after video playback on iOS.

I’m also experiencing this issue…

Same problem here for iOS build now!

Hello all,

Sorry for the inconvenience, there was a miscommunication inside our dev team. Corona SDK recently raised their support to minimum iOS 8 and Vungle SDK still supports iOS7. We will try to rebuild it soon, in the meantime you can use daily build version of 3078.



Any chance you can remove:

  • “android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”

I doubt it as ad libraries use this permission to cache videos to storage

These do not:



Facebook Audience Network




and possibly others. I just wish Applovin and or Vungle would not since they are my favorite.

And I wouldn’t care but in the latest few Android versions, the permission says that the app can read your personal pictures, data files, and other documents. It also allows you to turn the permission off and then with some of these plugins the app crashes when it tries to use the permission.

I only use Vungle as their cpms are great but I would imagine all ad libraries that offer video ads would pre-cache them

We just released our plugin yesterday, and Corona daily build 3081 will work fine with Vungle. It has our iOS SDK 4.1.0 that fixes bugs with improved performance on video end cards.

Vungle Android SDK requires WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission is required for Android API 18 and below. Our SDK will fail to initialize when this permission is not declared because it can not pre-cache ad assets and this applies to other ad networks using pre-cached video. Google has removed this requirement starting Kitkat, so you can declare permission in your AndroidManifest.xml as below:

<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” android:maxSdkVersion=“18” />

Here is the link to Android API documentation:

