Error code: 256

When I build an android app with Corona Simulator, I got the error:

Execution failed for task ‘:App:mergeReleaseResources’.

                    > [string/app_name] /private/var/folders/3c/v9h9m8gs1f7bz5zhrwjmrhdm0000gn/T/CLtmpy8dPnT/template/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml [string/app_name] /private/var/folders/3c/v9h9m8gs1f7bz5zhrwjmrhdm0000gn/T/CLtmpy8dPnT/template/app/build/generated/corona_icons/values/strings.xml: Error: Duplicate resources

If I delete the AndroidResources/res/values folder , it will build successfully.

If it’s the first building for the app, it will build successfully too.


You don’t state your own strings.xml file in that folder. There should be a values.xml (or value.xml) and that holds some UI/Icon related content. Things that go in strings.xml are done through build.settings. See:
