Here it is;
settings = { --build = -- { -- neverStripDebugInfo = true, -- }, orientation = { default = "Portait", supported = { "Portait", "Portait" } }, splashScreen = { enable = false }, android = { useGoogleServicesJson = true, usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE", "android.permission.WRITE\_EXTERNAL\_STORAGE", "", "\_LICENSE", }, facebookAppId = "XXXXXXXXXX" -- Replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID --largeHeap = true }, plugins = { ["plugin.notifications.v2"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, ["plugin.facebook.v4a"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, ["plugin.playfab.client"] = { publisherId = "com.playfab" }, -- key is the name passed to Lua's 'require()' [""] = { -- required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android = true }, }, -- key is the name passed to Lua's 'require()' [""] = { -- required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, ["CoronaProvider.native.popup.activity"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, }, }, -- Google play game services [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { android=true }, }, [""] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, ["iphone-sim"]=true }, }, }, iphone = { xcassets = "Images.xcassets", plist = { UIBackgroundModes = { "remote-notification" }, FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled = false, UILaunchImages = { { --iPhone 4 Portait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}" }, { --iPhone 4 LandscapeLeft ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}" }, { --iPhone 4 LandscapeRight ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 480}" }, { --iPhone 5 Portait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}" }, { --iPhone 5 LandscapeLeft ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}" }, { --iPhone 5 LandscapeRight ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-568h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{320, 568}" }, { -- iPad / iPad Retina ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Portrait", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}" }, { -- iPad / iPad Retina ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}" }, { -- iPad / iPad Retina ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "7.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{768, 1024}" }, { --iPhone 6 Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}" }, { --iPhone 6 LandscapeLeft ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}" }, { --iPhone 6 LandscapeRight ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-667h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{375, 667}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Plus Portrait ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-736h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "Portrait", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Plus landscape left ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape-736h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeLeft", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}" }, { -- iPhone 6 Plus landscape right ["UILaunchImageMinimumOSVersion"] = "8.0", ["UILaunchImageName"] = "Default-Landscape-736h", ["UILaunchImageOrientation"] = "LandscapeRight", ["UILaunchImageSize"] = "{414, 736}" } }, UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, FacebookAppID = "XXXXXXXXXX", -- Replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fbXXXXXXXXXX", } } -- Replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID }, -- Whitelist Facebook apps LSApplicationQueriesSchemes = { "fb", -- Needed for the facebook-v4.isFacebookAppEnabled() API "fbapi", "fbauth2", "fb-messenger-api", "fbshareextension" }, --[[UIAppFonts = { "foo.ttf", "immortal.ttf", "district.ttf", "carbontype.ttf", "Agency.ttf", "AgencyFB-Bold.ttf", }, --]] } }, excludeFiles = { iphone = { 'Icon-\*dpi.png', 'audio/\*.oog' }, android = { 'Icon.png', 'Icon-6\*.png', 'Icon-7\*.png', 'Icon-Small\*.png', 'Icon@2x.png', 'Default-568h@2x.png', 'audio/\*.m4a' } }, }