Error compiling for iOS


I have a corona app working sucessfully in Android.

I’m trying to compile for iOS. I’m using Xcode 7.2

All the compile process seems to progress sucesssfully, but at the end of the process, a dialog is shown:

“codesign wants to sign using the key -my name- from your keychain. Do you want to allow access to this item?”.

(The message is in Spanish, I have translated to english. So the message could be different in english)

The dialog shows three buttons: Always allow, deny or allow. 

If I press any of the three buttons, the dialog is never closed. If I press ESC key, dialog is closed, but corona compilation fails: Build failed ERROR: code signing failed -path- app: User canceled the operation.

What is the problem?

Can anyone help me, please?

Thank you in advance.

Jose Antonio

Can you post a screen shot?



Screenshot (in spanish, sorry):

Terminal messages:

ene 19 06:51:21.337 Building: Signing application with “iPhone Developer: José Antonio Quiles Follana (96Y295Y7BR)”

ene 19 06:51:21.337"iPhone Developer: José Antonio Quiles Follana (96Y295Y7BR)"

Any help?

I can’t generate for iOS

That dialog is coming from the OS, so at that point we’ve handed off to Xcode. Try rebooting. If that doesn’t work, try reinstalling Xcode.


Very strange … I’ve never seen OS X do that with codesign.

Building an iOS sample app with Xcode might fix the problem (at least, it will prompt you with what needs to be done to fix it).

Also, open Keychain Access and make sure your private key is accessible to “codesign” (see attached screenshot).  This is the default for everyone else but perhaps the settings on your computer have been changed.


It works!!!

I have granted permissions in keychain to all applications. Now corona is able to generate for iOS.

Thank you very much, Perry.

Can you post a screen shot?



Screenshot (in spanish, sorry):

Terminal messages:

ene 19 06:51:21.337 Building: Signing application with “iPhone Developer: José Antonio Quiles Follana (96Y295Y7BR)”

ene 19 06:51:21.337"iPhone Developer: José Antonio Quiles Follana (96Y295Y7BR)"

Any help?

I can’t generate for iOS

That dialog is coming from the OS, so at that point we’ve handed off to Xcode. Try rebooting. If that doesn’t work, try reinstalling Xcode.


Very strange … I’ve never seen OS X do that with codesign.

Building an iOS sample app with Xcode might fix the problem (at least, it will prompt you with what needs to be done to fix it).

Also, open Keychain Access and make sure your private key is accessible to “codesign” (see attached screenshot).  This is the default for everyone else but perhaps the settings on your computer have been changed.


It works!!!

I have granted permissions in keychain to all applications. Now corona is able to generate for iOS.

Thank you very much, Perry.