Used Mac OS, with Sublime Text 3 gives me all the time error “corona_sdk_simultator_path” I can not find the way to fix this error
2017.3135 version
Thanks in advance
Used Mac OS, with Sublime Text 3 gives me all the time error “corona_sdk_simultator_path” I can not find the way to fix this error
2017.3135 version
Thanks in advance
You can set the location of the Corona Simulator by doing this:
In Sublime’s menu go to Sublime Text Preferences
Settings and add this line to the JSON in the right hand panel:
"corona\_sdk\_simulator\_path": "/Applications/Corona/Corona"
When I enter the command, I get the following error; Error trying to parse settings: Unexpected character, expected to comma or closing bracket in Packages / User / Preferences.sublime-settings: 4: 30
I have managed not to get the error but a to yes, still does not run the simulator, I am new to all this but I think I did it correctly
That file is in JSON format. There needs to be some valid separator between the string Perry provided and the other block of code you have. I would suspect you need a comma after the last ].
You can google a JSON validator and run your settings through it and see what it says is the issue.
Thanks Rob, for putting the comma to solve the problem
You can set the location of the Corona Simulator by doing this:
In Sublime’s menu go to Sublime Text Preferences
Settings and add this line to the JSON in the right hand panel:
"corona\_sdk\_simulator\_path": "/Applications/Corona/Corona"
When I enter the command, I get the following error; Error trying to parse settings: Unexpected character, expected to comma or closing bracket in Packages / User / Preferences.sublime-settings: 4: 30
I have managed not to get the error but a to yes, still does not run the simulator, I am new to all this but I think I did it correctly
That file is in JSON format. There needs to be some valid separator between the string Perry provided and the other block of code you have. I would suspect you need a comma after the last ].
You can google a JSON validator and run your settings through it and see what it says is the issue.
Thanks Rob, for putting the comma to solve the problem