local orientation = 'portrait' -- portrait, landscapeRight, ... settings = { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Orientation Settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- orientation = { default = orientation, supported = { orientation }, }, android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", "android.permission.WRITE\_EXTERNAL\_STORAGE", }, }, }
01:48:57.625 Testing credentials for ‘C:\Programs\Corona\Resources\debug.keystore’:
01:48:58.923 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
01:48:58.923 jar signed.
01:48:58.923 Warning:
01:48:58.923 The signer’s certificate is self-signed.
01:48:58.923 The timestamp will expire on 2030-10-17.
01:49:22.128 BuildID: 5e3b465e3e6c7
01:49:22.479 WebServices: downloading build
01:49:43.520 ERROR: download failed to open URL: Не удается установить связь с сервером
01:49:43.520 ERROR: failed to download build: http://builds.coronalabs.com/5e3b465e3e6c7-built.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIMSD7JG23DSGPRIA&Expires=1580942993&Signature=Hq3Cvkmi9V%2B9cxLGHVsQ%2FSf1Hp8%3D
01:49:43.520 ERROR: download failed to open URL: Не удается установить связь с сервером
01:49:43.653 Android build failed (5) after 43 seconds