– Hide status bar
– Display a background image
–[[ Here we are inserting
a background image of clouds --]]
local background = display.newImage(“images/clouds.png”);
– Generate Physics Engine
local physics = require(“physics”);
– 1. Enable drawing mode for testing, you can use “normal”, “debug” or “hybrid”
– 2. Enable multitouch so more than 1 balloon can be touched at a time
– 3. Find device display height and width
_H = display.contentHeight;
_W = display.contentWidth;
– 4. Number of balloons variable
balloons = 0;
– 5. How many balloons do we start with?
numBalloons = 100;
– 6. Game time in seconds that we’ll count down
startTime = 20;
– 7. Total amount of time
totalTime = 20;
– 8. Is there any time left?
timeLeft = true;
– 9. Ready to play?
playerReady = false;
– 10. Generate math equation for randomization
Random = math.random;
– 11. Load background music
local music = audio.loadStream(“sounds/music.mp3”);
– 12. Load balloon pop sound effect
local balloonPop = audio.loadSound(“sounds/balloonPop.mp3”);
– Create a new text field using native device font
local screenText = display.newText("…Loading Balloons…", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16*2);
screenText.xScale = 0.5
screenText.yScale = 0.5;
– Change the center point to bottom left
screenText.anchorX = 0
screenText.anchorY = 0
– Place the text on screen
screenText.x = _W / 2 - 210;
screenText.y = _H - 20;
– Create a new text field to display the timer
local timeText = display.newText("Time: "…startTime, 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16*2);
screenText.anchorX = 0.5
screenText.anchorY = 0.5;
timeText.x = _W / 2;
timeText.y = _H - 20;
local gameTimer;
– Did the player win or lose the game?
local function gameOver(condition)
– If the player pops all of the balloons they win
if (condition == “winner”) then
screenText.text = “Amazing!”;
– If the player pops 70 or more balloons they did okay
elseif (condition == “notbad”) then
screenText.text = “Not too shabby.”
– If the player pops less than 70 balloons they didn’t do so well
elseif (condition == “loser”) then
screenText.text = “You can do better.”;
– Remove balloons when touched and free up the memory they once used
local function removeBalloons(obj)
– Subtract a balloon for each pop
balloons = balloons - 1;
– If time isn’t up then play the game
if (timeLeft ~= false) then
– If all balloons were popped
if (balloons == 0) then
elseif (balloons <= 30) then
elseif (balloons >=31) then
local function countDown(e)
– When the game loads, the player is ready to play
if (startTime == totalTime) then
– Loop background music
audio.play(music, {loops =- 1});
playerReady = true;
screenText.text = “Hurry!”
– Subtract a second from start time
startTime = startTime - 1;
timeText.text = "Time: "…startTime;
– If remaining time is 0, then timeLeft is false
if (startTime == 0) then
timeLeft = false;
– 1. Start the physics engine
– 2. Set gravity to be inverted
physics.setGravity(0, -0.4)
–[[ Create “walls” on the left, right and ceiling to keep balloon on screen
display.newRect(x coordinate, y coordinate, x thickness, y thickness)
So the walls will be 1 pixel thick and as tall as the stage
The ceiling will be 1 pixel thick and as wide as the stage
local leftWall = display.newRect (0, 0, 1, display.contentHeight);
local rightWall = display.newRect (display.contentWidth, 0, 1, display.contentHeight);
local ceiling = display.newRect (0, 0, display.contentWidth, 1);
– Add physics to the walls. They will not move so they will be “static”
physics.addBody (leftWall, “static”, { bounce = 0.1 } );
physics.addBody (rightWall, “static”, { bounce = 0.1 } );
physics.addBody (ceiling, “static”, { bounce = 0.1 } );
local function startGame()
– 3. Create a balloon, 25 pixels by 25 pixels
local myBalloon = display.newImageRect(“images/balloon.png”, 25, 25);
– 4. Set the reference point to the center of the image
– 5. Generate balloons randomly on the X-coordinate
myBalloon.x = Random(50, _W-50);
– 6. Generate balloons 10 pixels off screen on the Y-Coordinate
myBalloon.y = (_H+10);
– 7. Apply physics engine to the balloons, set density, friction, bounce and radius
physics.addBody(myBalloon, “dynamic”, {density=0.1, friction=0.0, bounce=0.9, radius=10});
– Allow the user to touch the balloons
function myBalloon:touch(e)
– If time isn’t up then play the game
if (timeLeft ~= false) then
– If the player is ready to play, then allow the balloons to be popped
if (playerReady == true) then
if (e.phase == “ended”) then
– Play pop sound
– Remove the balloons from screen and memory
– Increment the balloons variable by 1 for each balloon created
balloons = balloons + 1;
– Add event listener to balloon
myBalloon:addEventListener(“touch”, myBalloon);
– If all balloons are present, start timer for totalTime (10 sec)
if (balloons == numBalloons) then
gameTimer = timer.performWithDelay(1000, countDown, totalTime);
– Make sure timer won’t start until all balloons are loaded
playerReady = false;
– 8. Create a timer for the game at 20 milliseconds, spawn balloons up to the number we set numBalloons
gameTimer = timer.performWithDelay(20, startGame, numBalloons);