Error in log when called applovin apps from amazon targeted app

Hi, i tried to build a game and using Applovin, using plugin
[“plugin.applovin.paid”] = { publisherId = “com.coronalabs” },

when I called the show interstitial, the interstitial ads wont show…after i see the log, this message appear
“No ads available (Error code 204) failed”

and also an error appear :
“E/AppLovinSdk: [DataCollector] Could not collect Google Advertising ID - this will negatively impact your eCPMs! Please integrate the Google Play Services SDK into your application. More info can be found online at If you’re sure you’ve integrated the SDK and are still seeing this message, you may need to add a ProGuard exception: -keep public class** { public protected *; } java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:”

IF i change the target store into Google Playstore, without changing any codes, all works fine. no error, ads appear.

I build in Windows 10, Corona 2021.0644

any idea to make it works for amazon targeted store?

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